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Posts posted by gary_pinkerton1

  1. Kindermann is excellent; they do reasonable turnaround, great work, and they are friendly.

    I sent a 50 R in for a CLA and Gerry Smith called me just to verify what all they would be doing, etc.

    I've had several transactions with them and been 100% satisfied each time.

  2. I bought mine new in '83 for 630 bucks; love it, one of my most used lenses.

    I know if I compared to newer, I'd want newer, but ignorance keeps me happy.

    They are reasonably priced, try one. Steven's correct, you could [probably] resell without a loss.

  3. My 36 yr old L'flex SL and 50 Summicron have cost me approximately $4 a year to use since I purchased them in 1981. This includes 2 CLA's on the body and 1 on the lens.

    If you still have this outfit when it is 36 years old, with a similar track record, then we can compare notes. :)

  4. The SL[2]was repairable, but the owner gave it to the Leica museum.

    It stayed in the desert for several months before it was found.


    I dropped an R8 and 180 onto rocks awhile back. Both had exterior and lens mount damage, but none of the inner workings of either were damaged.

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