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Image Comments posted by dhiren



    I agree about the color cast, we had a discussion on that, but I don't see any "grains" in the image. As I recollect, this was shot at ISO 100, so techinically you wont spot any noise [may be little in shadows, but that also I can't spot here] and Ram, you don't get noise due to jpeg compression, you might get some artifacts but not noise.


    God Bless

    first i think this one is underexposed, at least by a stop and you were still able to blowout hightlights [not sure whether PP or high contrast scene]. foreground is dark [lack of detail], other than that it needs more than the lake and mountains, may be few trees or other interesting forms.
  1. I might be an odd brick in the wall here. To me, it looks very heavy, in terms of colors [oversaturated] and tones [too dark] and again black frame and orange border [might not be significant, but it has its own effect].


    It's hard to believe that certain areas are NOT selectively overburnt in postprocessing, it would be helpful if thomas gives before PP and after PP shots of the image. Mind you, i am not talking about manipulation here, but the way image has been post-processed. Post-processing is as important as Pre-processing [not sure such word exists], job is not done untill a photograph has been printer successfully on paper [or any desired media].

  2. Yes, it is little soft and dark for my taste. I feel you 'still' could have improved this image little bit more in postprocessing.


    To me, the red tone 'cause of tungston light is little too strong [or may be its my LCD], color correcting would help you neutralize it and yes could have been sharper.

  3. very well thought, few suggestions though

    1. try to lighten the background

    2. borders around the frame is too thick [may be for my taste]


    other than that, i like it !!!




    First i thought it was manipulated,but then i read details...very impressive, and very well seen ... nice original piece of work and yes strong composition as well !!!
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