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Image Comments posted by dave_tate



    used one softbox, gray background, Norman studio equip. one of my

    first try's with portrait lighting, please tell me what you think.

    thank you.

    The Briggs


    hello, thanks for taking the time to look at my photo. please leave

    constructive comments, praise, adivce, etc. deatails: indoor band

    photo, motion created by shutter drag with flash, something around a

    1/5 of a second.


    mike, give the good with the bad. for the photo, the tilt is the attention grabber, would like to see a greater depth of field however and for some reason the even split between sky and field doesn't work with me. but hey, i'm sure it's not the only shot you took. :-)


    excellent action shot. background is nicely out of focus. the muscle strain and the expression are amazing, not to mention the timing of your shot. well done.

    Almost gone. . .

    as i'm up past my bed time scanning through the photos on this fabulous site i am continuously searching for a worthwile photograph, usually something i haven't seen before. well, you did it, very original and amazing colors, i'd love to know the details.

    author shot

    yes doug, i agree that his left arm is distracting. i knew this before i posted it and even cropped a lot of it out. i like it with the arms in the photo, i will keep this in mind in the future. thanks.

    author shot


    how's this for a portrait. i spent the afternoon experimenting with a

    #25 red filter with black and white film. i like the results. what do

    you think of this photo? ratings are nice but comments are better :-)

    One Tower


    please comment with suggestions or compliments, this was an infrared

    shot (some old HIE film) with a #25 red filter, what do you think?

    does this work, does it look like infrared? how's the composition?

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