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the world in black white

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Posts posted by the world in black white

  1. All the hogwash aside, I still agree with John Kelly. Anything else is regressing in terms of

    technology. I am and always will be a traditional black & white photographer, but regardless

    of how a person defines "travel photography", digital is taking over every format. Seems

    inappropriate to me to regress, especially with aspirations of becoming a professional

    photographer. Just my opinion. Hadn't intended to tread on sensitivities.

  2. Just wanted to share my excitement after using the subject combination. Rated the film @25 ISO and

    metered through an 89B filter. Processed the film at 1:100, 70F degrees, for 12 minutes. Fixed with

    TF-4. Three rolls processed in this manner have produced absolutely beautiful negatives. I will post

    several scans tomorrow. Thanks once again, Jay De Fehr, for your innovation! (Is Jay still with us?)

  3. Bill: While I have used all of the films mentioned above with excellent results, and for

    about five years in a Pentax 67, and much longer in 4x5, and my favorite of all, a Rollei

    6008i, I have currently been using Fuji Acros 100 and 510-Pyro with consistently

    exceptional results. Xtol and Wimberly WD2D+ were the developers of choice before the

    discovery of 510-Pyro, thanks to Jay De Fehr, the innovator. As I stated before, if you live

    close to Cortez, I would enjoy sharing experiences. Cheers!

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