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Posts posted by havenornirvana

  1. Omer

    Biliyosun SLR lerin lensi buyuk.Buyuk oldugu icinde daha fazla isik aliyo.O yuzden P&S lardan cokdaha hizlilar.Ayrica P&S lardaki CCD DSLR ledekinden cokdaha kucuk yani hicbir DSLR yi A95 le karsilastiramazsin.Suanda piyasada bulunan en buyuk ccd li P&S camera bile sadece APS size CCD kullaniyor.Yani ccd means alot.

    Sigma lense gelince sigma cok kaliteli bi lens degil o yuzden fiyatida dusuk.Her lensin kendine ozgu bir karakteri var.Yani bildigin gibi lens camdan yapiliyo ve camda kumdan.Her degisik markalensin ccami (kumu) farkli yerlerden geliyo ve buyuzden herbirinin ayri karakterleri var.Ornegin Leica ve Contax in lensleri piyasadaki belkide en pahali lenslerdir(F degerleri canon veya nikonla esitte olsalar)lenslerin karakterleri degisik oldugu icin kalitesi degisir.Bu konu boyle uzar girer...

    He ayrica piyasada kit olarak satilan DSLR in lensleri(Nikon D70s haric) kalitesizlensler.Yani body ayri alip kaliteli bi lensle birlestirmen gerekiyo...


  2. HI

    I have two film cameras.Contax t3 and Nikon F80.I really like to use

    film cameras because i can choose my film.In the DSLR you dont have

    that option so far and i can`t say i`m a experienced Photoshop user.

    So i was imagining if it will be a camera(as i try to pic.it)that

    will have film options inside the camera so you can easily use your

    favorit film settings digitaly?Is this possible?

    What do you guys thinking about that?



  3. I had a Contax T3 and sold it two month ago.I was thinking my Canon

    G3 will be enough for me.But not at all.It was too stupid tell sell

    my T3.Non of the digital P&S camera has a DOF like T3.


    So i`m back to looking for a T3 but then i tought it could be better

    to buy a Contax P&S with Zoom.I mean Tvs II.But i`m not sure about

    this camera because i`m trying to find some info on the net and its

    not many pleased opinion abot Tvs II.


    Any opinion...


    Ps. DOF is most important for me.


  4. I`m using Contax T3.My everyday film was Fuji Reala(100).Reala is

    really good film but my camera is a P&S camera so i think 100 film is

    abit too dark.Recently I tried NPH 400 but this film is not sharp at

    all when i compare to reala.I read some reviews about Kodak Portra


    .Many user thinks UC400 very good film.But is it better than NPH 400?

    Is it shaper than NPH 400?Or is there any better than this two, 400




  5. I`m not livin in US,i live in Norway.

    I bought my camera from ebay for 330$+shippng and +100$ customs...

    so you dont really need the change the country to buy this camera.



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