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Posts posted by josh_levine

  1. Thanks for the interest.


    I have already thought of that one, and worked it out !

    My solution is as follows.


    Loosen the battery cover, so that if you let go, it pops off.

    Cover the lens and meter opening.

    Shoot the shutter, it will stay open (it is so dark)

    Let the batteries fall out.


    The shutter stays open.


    This is because of the electric shutter mechanism.

    I am going to get some of that misty scotch tape, and try to focus it to 1 meter, all the other spacings should be there already.

    I dont have a loupe, so i will have to use a magnifing glass or somthing :(.





  2. Hi


    I just recieved a Kiev 35a which i won on ebay a couple of weeks

    ago. I am amazed by build quality (after those horror stories) and

    have checked for light leaks (flashlight in cupboard) with none found.


    I noticed a large dust partical in the lens between the 5th and 4th

    lens's (in the focuser) and opened it up to remove the dust......but

    managed to lose the focusing.


    How can i fix this? Can i use the ground glass method? I think that

    i have got it about right, as the screws left marks on the black

    paint finish of the lens, but i would like to refocus it incase.


    Thanks for the help


    Josh Levine

  3. Thanks


    Although i do like that (WOW), i would like to know how much i can get it repared for


    It is actually covered by the house insurance, but we have to pay £100 to get it, and i am not sure if it is worth it !





  4. Hi


    Last time this year, my EOS 300 was dropped "off a cliff" in



    The damage was a broken LCD, and a slightly damaged top (just some

    dings, and not enough for me to want it to be repaired).


    I bought it at Jessops in the UK, so sent it to them for repairs.


    They said that it would cost £175.48 for repairs (Parts=£69.34,

    Labour=£80.00 VAT=£26.13), i bought it for £200 (great offer) so did

    not feel that it was worth getting it repared (it was not insured).


    Does anyone over here in the UK know somewhere indapendent where i

    could get it repared, which may be cheaper, and i can tell them that

    i dont care about the top, as i am really missing it.





  5. Thanks


    I planned on using some clothes clips to start with (free !)


    Is there any harm in using less well known fixer and wetting agent? My local photo place is jessops and they make some "econo" fixer and wetting agent, as well as bulk film. Could i use that to get started, and get used to the equiptment, and the upgrade (i would still use D72 for developing)?


    Thanks Guys



  6. Thanks


    It only really seemed expensive to me in comparison the USA $. I was expecting somthing like £50.


    I will be saving about £29 by buying bulk film, and without the cost of cassetts and a spooler, i will be saving even more.


    By developing it here i guess that i would be saving somthing like £2 per film, which adds up to a heck of a lot.


    I would like to get the changing bag, so i can not worry about it, and i can take it on holiday to fish out those lost film ends etc.


    Does what i have on the list look ok?






    P.S. I have access to a full dark room with 5+ enlargers etc at school, but the art students get proiority, and if i can do some at home all the better ;)

  7. Thanks for all the help guys


    Here is my "round-up"


    1) 2nd hand Paterson 2 reel tank - £10 (it comes with the spirals, and i don't think that i will be doing 3, so i can save some chemicals)


    2) New 30"x27" Changing bag - £15 (i could not trust a new one)


    3) 2nd hand Paterson thermometer - £3 (it is cheap so why not)


    4) 2nd hand 600 ml grad - £3


    4) Some cheap kitchen measures - £3 (to pour from)


    5) Some black bottles - £3


    6) Chemicals - £15


    I will use spent reels etc for now, and then get the bulk film stuff when i have some spair cash.


    Total - £ 50 or $ 77


    Is seems steep....wonder why :D



  8. Making the room dark would be hard, but a cupboard should be ok. I was thinking of a changing bag, coz i could just pack it all up after, and no one would have to know ;)


    The tanks that i have seen second hand are :






    What are those like?





  9. Hi All


    I have recently become interested in B&W photography again.


    A couple of years ago i took a photography course at a local collage,

    i learnt how to print, develop etc.


    I find the price for developing stupidly high, so I would like to

    make a small develping setup in my bathroom, so that i can spool bulk

    film (35mm), and develop both 120 and 35mm.


    If i liked the photo's then i would either scan them, or send them

    off for developing.


    Is this type of this possibe, and if so how much would it cost for a

    basic setup.






    I find the price for developing stupidly high,

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