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Image Comments posted by eirik_holm_yvik

  1. Thanks for the comment. I haven't enhanced the colours more than a normal raw conversion, but there seems to be a lot of colour in the ice due to the lighting. I've increased contrast on the ice though, and that explains partly the colour.

    Towering cloud


    Thank you for your comments.


    Erwin: I share many of your thoughts about photography. Sometimes it's difficult to explain why a picture is good or bad, but we know it anyway.


    Mario: I do agree with your suggestion, but I could find a higher position on the flat lava plain in order to get a different perspective and thus a lower horizon with the foreground intact.

    12-11-06 #2


    Technically well done as usual. I really like your approach to these landscapes as you don't boost the colours as many other landscape photographers do. I find such pictures mostly vulgar, but not yours. They are beautiful and harmonic.


    I have some slight concerns about this composition as the water is flowing in or out of the frame on the right side. I feel this is somewhat disturbing, at least compared to the otherwise high standard of the picture.

  2. No worries Bill! Your comment is as valuable as the others. There is no right and wrong when it comes to pictures, either photographs, paintings, drawings or other forms of pictures. It's a matter of taste, expecations, trends, culture, education and other factors that causes us to either like or dislike a picture. Some pictures are hailed by the masses, some by sub-cultures, some by men others by women, some by young others by older people, and it goes on and on.


    You have the right to say your opinion about the picture, and I value it for its sincerety. I like the picture myself, so I don't agree with you, but that is beside the point here. You don't have to excuse yourself for submitting a negative opnion about my picture. I think your comment was quite good actually.


    One of the valuable things about sites like photo.net is that you get all kinds of feedback on your work. Sometimes you get revelations in the sense that the reaction about your picture is not what you had anticipated. This is very good, because sometimes you become blinded by your own artistic vision and the comments from people with the same vision like yours. Thus, it is important to get feedback from people outside that circle of people of similar tastes and artistic visions. Again, I don't always or even often agree with such comments, but they are important reminders to me that there are other tastes and visual ideals besides my own.


    So once again Bill, thanks for the comment and keep expressing your sincere opinion! :)

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