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lisa h

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Posts posted by lisa h

  1. Thanks Todd.


    I am mainly looking at the translucent one made by Photoflex as I will be having access to one of these. I am wondering if I can use that in place of a basic white reflector or if I should go ahead and buy standard white one also?


    Thanks, Lisa

  2. Hi, I am setting up a basic lighting system which consists of:

    light stand, umbrella mount bracket w/ cold shoe adapter, 45" convertible

    umbrella, SB-800 & pocket wizards.


    The problem is... when I put the SB-800 into the cold shoe & then tilt the

    umbrella bracket to angle the umbrella (I am using the umbrella mainly as

    reflective vs. shoot-through), the SB-800 is not stable and can easily

    come out of the cold shoe. The cold shoe came with the umbrella adapter. Do I

    need to purchase a different kind of cold shoe? Should I avoid the plastic kind?




  3. I was surprised to read this article (below) on AOL tonight. As far as I know,

    no one is requiring the parents to buy the photos... and I think it is an

    relatively inexpensive and convenient way for them to get pictures of their

    child... to top

    it all off, the article recommends that the parent scans the photo to save money

    on reprints!

    I don't do school photography, but felt the need to share this. What are your

    thoughts (on this article)?




    Excerpt from the article (titled 'The top 5 Most Annoying School Costs'):


    2. Picture Day


    Parents' Gripe: Spending nearly $50 for a full package of individual, class and

    sport team photos -- multiple times per year!


    Ever wonder why the school takes so many darned pictures? Turns out those

    adorable snap shots are often yet another fundraiser. Only this one pulls at the

    heart strings. We found one photo studio based in California that advertises on

    its web site that it's willing to pay schools a 10% commission on all orders.


    Money-Saving Tips: Just buy the class picture. And don't even consider placing

    an order during the spring session, when many schools host a secondary picture

    day. If you just can't resist, purchase the smallest package possible. At the

    Clark School in Swampscott, Mass., parents can spend as little as $24 for a few

    wallet-size photos and one of the class. The bill rises to more than $50 if

    parents splurge for a package that includes a couple of 5-by-7s. Worried you

    won't have a spare to send to Grandma? Consider scanning your copy or email a

    cute digital shot you took yourself.



  4. I am looking at collaspsible reflectors on B&H's web site... they list both

    'diffuser' and 'translucent' types.


    I assume that the diffuser types are not actually to be used as reflectors, but

    used to block (harsh sun) light, etc. What about the translucent reflectors,

    are they also used like the diffusers or are they used more like white

    reflectors (but giving a softer look than the regular white)?

    Thanks, Lisa

  5. Though I have not used them for a wedding yet, I do use instaproofs for other

    events and I give them postitive marks. They are good for people who want to

    fullfill their own print orders (they are not an online lab, only an online store

    front). The price can't be beat (free until you sell something, then they take

    comission), easy to set up and has a clean simple design.


  6. Hi Gulnara- I have shot several bat mitzvahs. For all the ones that I have

    done the photographer is not allowed in the temple for the actual ceremony

    (which is typical), so I was hired to take portraits at the temple on a day before,

    and then to shoot the party following the ceremony.

    You may contact me also if you like (you have my email already, not sure

    about my phone #)?.


  7. I had that same issue when I purchased the hyperdrive. I came to the conclusion that it was already formatted, therefore 'no.18' doesn't show up so the only way to reformat is is via the memory card method (which -if this is correct- is very annoying).


    I saw a lot of good feedback on photo.net before purchasing it so I assume that it is a good device, though I found that I was not fond of it and ended up returning it. Instead I bought the Epson P4000, which I had originally decided against because of the price, but I like it so much better.


    Good luck!


  8. There has been a lot of discussion in the past about online galleries (for proofing, selling prints, etc) and

    who to use... but I don't recall Kodak Pro Shots being mentioned much as being used by any one for this



    Is anyone out there using them? What good & bad feedback do you have about the service?


    Thanks, Lisa

  9. Yes, I realize that I would not get a ton of money for it (I had been wondering how little though), but it is not doing me any good collecting dust. I am someone who tends to hang on to things, and in this area, space is a luxury! So I am trying not to be a pack rat and to justify what I do decide to keep.


    I have EOS A2 body & 18-70 kit lens, Canon 24-70 2.8 lens, EOS Elan body, 420EX & 540EZ speedlites, and a ton of filters, plus 2 off-camera shoe cords & a turbo flash cable that I do not use.


    I am ready to part with the Elan body (it was a hand-me down to begin with), the 420, and many of the filters. The rest I am undecided about!

  10. Thanks for the responses.


    I have been to the Photo Plus Expo before and have attended seminars there before. I have found that they vary greatly as far as being worth it or not to me so I really want to try avoiding the 'show & tell' ones and go for ones that I can come away with practical advice. I am definitely signing up for some photoshop ones (I did a great 'hands-on' one last year).

  11. Like many, I was resistant to switch to digital. Since I did, I do not find

    myself using film at all anymore. I am curious, for those of you who have also

    switched, did you sell all of your film gear, or are you hanging on to it (and



    I can understand hanging onto it for back-up, but I did recently purchase a 2nd

    digital body. I have been reluctant to let go of the film gear, maybe for

    sentimental reasons, I am not sure. I thought I might still use it, but that

    has not happened & even though I don't have much of it, it does take up space!


    If you did sell it, what is the best way (local camera store, photo.net, E-bay)?


    Thanks! Lisa

  12. Hi, the Photo Plus Expo in NYC is coming up at the beginning of November and I am currently choosing

    some seminars to sign up for. There are only a couple wedding related ones, and only one of these which

    I am considering (the Denis Reggie one). I think he does one every year, so I am wondering if anyone has

    attended a past expo seminar of his and can give me feedback on it. The main thing I want to know is,

    did you come away with much useful information, or was the seminar more focused on just showing his

    latest pictures (and selling you on the products and services that he is associated with)?

    Thanks, Lisa


    Seminar description:

    'Join wedding photojournalist Denis Reggie for a special presentation detailing his acclaimed approach

    and refined digital workflow. Numerous images from his portfolio of society and celebrity weddings will be

    shown, many of which will be presented for the first time. This seminar is loaded with information on

    Reggies camera and flash techniques, plus the latest digital advances in proofing, online presentation,

    album design and printing technologies. This is a must-see for both working and aspiring wedding


  13. Thanks Joseph. I am hoping that I will have enough CF cards to not have to erase anything,

    therefore the portable storage device would be a true back-up, not the only copy of my

    pictures. So I am just trying to decide which portable storage device to buy (reliability being

    the top deciding factor, though ideally it would have a preview screen). Seems like the

    hyperdrive is a good choice though, and not too expensive.

  14. Hello, I have been considering buying a portable storage drive for an upcoming trip (I do not want to bring

    a lap top or CD burner). I have seen other posts regarding specifics brands. I would prefer one that has a

    viewing screen that you can review the photos on (Epson P-2000/4000 or Wolverine for example), but I

    have seen it mentioned that these are not always reliable; sometimes they fail. In other posts that

    mention portable storage drives (such as Hyperdrives) that don't happen to have viewing screens, I don't

    recall reading about the device failing. So my question is; do the ones without the viewing screen tend to

    be the more reliable brands in this case?



  15. I bought the whole Adobe CS2 creative suite, brand new, for under $400 from academicsuperstore.com, so I am sure that they sell Photoshop alone for less than that. The catch is that you have to be enrolled in a course (any course) at an accredited school. You might be wanting to take a photoshop class anyway though, so if you do sign up for one at your local college for instance, you can become eligable for Academic Superstores discounted prices.



  16. Thank you so much to everyone for all of the links and info. I have a lot of reading to do!


    I thought that these new K3 inks were supposed to be so great (and I do like them so far),

    but it sounds like many people are able to take their printing to another level beyond what

    those can offer (?). I think that I will try to master my printer with it's standard inks though

    before considering moving into the world of 3rd party inks - one step at a time!


    Paul- I thought I was doing the right thing by downloading the profile from the

    manufacturer and also by not letting my printer determine colors, but I guess the problem

    (like you stated) has to do with sending crossed signals... i will experiment with the way

    you mentioned.


    Elliot- I am using 308 gsm and was wondering why some of the options were not showing

    up, so thanks for the pointer!



  17. Hi, I am new to making ink jet prints and I recently bought an Epson 2400. I managed to make a nice b&w

    print on Epson heavyweight matte paper. Now I am trying to make a nice b&w print on Hahnemuhle



    Issue #1:

    I installed the proper profile for Hahnemuhle photo rag paper, I selected 'print w/ preview' and in the

    printer profile box the new Hahnemuhle profile choice shows up (so far so good),

    but then when I select 'print' and go to 'print settings' and 'media type', no specific Hahnemuhle choice

    show up there- are they supposed to/is this normal or not?

    The standard options such as 'enhanced mattte paper', 'matte paper - heavyweight', etc. show up. Do u

    just choose one of these when printing Hahnemule photo rag? The 'matte paper - heavyweight' choice

    seems to print decently but if I am supposed to see more specific choices for Hahnemuhle paper here,

    I would like to know that.


    Issue #2:

    Even though I have 'advanced B&W photo' and 'nuetral' selected under 'print settings' and 'color

    management' , my print is coming out w/ sepia like cast- what am I possibly overlooking?


    Thanks for any pointers!


  18. Do you think one extra EN-El3e battery will be enough (assuming that I am able to recharge both batteries each night). How long do yours last in the D200?


    Even though I have not ordered the camera yet, I think I will go ahead and place an order for the battery so that I can get myself on a list (since everywhere has them listed as back ordered).


    Thanks, Lisa

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