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Posts posted by harryo

  1. "The good thing about educational software (besides the cut rate price), is that even though I have been out of college a long time, I qualify for it since my kids are in K-12! Do I believe the retailer bothers to actually check that my kids are enrolled in the school that I say on the form? Of course not! (I am not encouraging anyone to cheat or lie, however....)"


    Well, no you don't qualify for the K-12...only your kids do. And yes, if you purchase the education K-12 version and use it yourself, you are cheating and lying. I work in the software industry and really get ticked when people try to get one up on the system and save a few bucks.

  2. "Nikon will offer better support and be in business longer."


    Why would you say this. Pentax has tradionally had great support and they have been in business for longer than Nikon.


    I would look at the entire system and decide which suites you better. The new Pentax body is very interesting with it's weather sealing and built in IS. It's "pancake" lenses are also interesting, especially if you want a very light outfit. Nikon on the other hand has more experience with digital so it's offerings might be more refined. Either choice would produce excellent pictures.

  3. WIth the digital age, many people do not make photos of their pictures, but instead view them on their monitors or send them via e-mail to others. How many of these people even backup their drivers, let alone keep them fresh by moving the pictures onto the latest medium. I believe we will have a gap in today's world where we will not have photos to show grand children of how life was in 2006. I can go back into boxes and retrieve photos of my grand parents and see how simple life was back then. I have not confidence that our digital photos will be around for the majority of people in the next 50 years.
  4. Ray, I use both 35mm ( Canon ) and a Pentax 6x7 system for landscape photography. I scan my slides using a Nikon 8000 scanner and print upto 12x18 on an Epson 2200 printer. I notice a huge difference in detail between the 35mm and 6x7 formats...especially at the 12x18 size.
  5. I use a Nikon 8000 for scanning my 6x7 slides and negatives and have never had problems with banding. It is not the fastest scanner and the MF negative carrier that comes with it is useless ( get the glass version ), but other than that, the results are great. If you are patient, you can pick one up on e-bay for about $800.
  6. Man, I love the way people come out and say "colour film will be gone in 6 years" in such a tone as if they really know. That's what I love about the internet and forums...everyone is an expert.


    Come on guys, your are all guessing without any facts. When replying, say so and don't sound like you know for sure.

  7. Hashim, one of the beauties of photos is that they can last generations. Haven't you ever looked at photos that were 50, 60 70 years old. Look at what past generations dressed like, acted like, enjoyed etc... If today's photos only last a few years, we'll be robbing future generations of these pleasures. Yes, you can reprint those photos, but in time, you'll loose the original file and the photo will be lost forever. I print many of my images...not to just put them onto the wall, but to put them into containers for my grand childern to enjoy.
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