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Image Comments posted by pdoyle

    Autumn Lady

    I'm impressed not only with the mysterious quality of the photo itself but also with the preparation that obviously went into it. There is clearly artistic skill and imagination at work before the camera is even set up.

    Potato Panic

    Wow, incredibly well done. The faces are believably integrated, down to the wrinkles on the "forehead" of the potato near the peeler. I think my favorite, though, is the guy in the upper center of the bowl who doesn't look scared at all ... I think he's planning an escape as soon as the chef isn't looking.
  1. Interesting idea but I think the execution still needs some more work. The lighting on the sculptures (are they your work too?) is very bright and doesn't match the rest of the scene at all. And they seem to be floating in midair, without any shadows to anchor them to the ground.



    A beautiful place and I like the way the ground, water, and sky divide the photo into approximate thirds. Without the woman it would almost make for an interesting abstract.


    Your model is so close to being centered in the photo that I feel she should be exactly centered; I find it slightly distracting that she is just off-center. Also, I can't quite guess what it is but the whole photo seems a bit underexposed or something... or maybe it's a lack of sharpness. Seems like there's also some vignetting along both sides. Hopefully someone else will diagnose this aspect with more certainty.


    This reminds me of those motion-study photos where multiple exposures are overlaid as someone/something moves through its range of motion.

    Fanny jumps

    I also think the roof is fine ... if it were pure darkness under that diagonal it might be a problem, but there is just enough detail there in the wood to be pleasing, to me at least. Her whole position, with a little girl's grace and the concentration written on her face, is charming. And I like the boulder at lower right which adds some middle-distance depth to the scene.
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