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Image Comments posted by adamburton

  1. Thanks Dean,


    I dont understand it either. I try my best with my photos, only to have some pricks ruin my efforts by purposefully voting to bring down the rating. What a co-incidence that nobody who has marked a low rating ever supplies their name or a comment. By giving the anonimity option, Photo.net condones this sort of behaviour.


    I dont think I will upload any more photos on this site. I have been here a long time but I think my time is over.


    Thanks for your comments.



  2. Taken a couple of days ago on a very cold evening along the Dorset

    coast. I wanted to record the motion of the water as it drained back

    out to sea around these two rocks. I waited for a wave to crash in,

    and then clicked as the water receded. I set a slowish shutter (2 secs

    @ F16) to record the motion.


    Please view more photos on my website www.adam-burton.co.uk. Also,

    please visit www.timecatcher.com to view the work of a team of

    landscape photographers from around the world.


    Thanks for looking.



    The Cove


    Taken along the Jurassic coast of Dorset, England a couple of days back.


    Please visit my website to see more images from this area. Also,

    please visit www.timecatcher.com to view the work of a team of

    landscape photographers from around the world.


    Thanks for looking,


    Essex Evenings


    Not the most idyllic location for photography; there was junk and beer

    glasses and all sorts stuck in the mud (you may just notice some in

    parts of this shot - at least four pint glasses stuck in the mud!).

    However, with a gorgeous sunset and then some lovely low light its

    amazing how a place can be transformed.


    Please visit my website www.adam-burton.co.uk and also

    www.timecatcher.com to see shots from a team of photographers working

    around the world.



  3. Hi Brian,


    Thanks for your comments. Its a single shot, using ND grads to balance the exposure. Im getting a bit slack these days in recording which filters I have used, but from memory it was a .9 and a .6 as that band of light on the horizon had to be controlled!


    Thanks for your comments,


    Coast of Wonder


    Thanks Jeff and Kaushik,


    Jeff, a little bit of sat/contrast and curves. This really was an exceptional evening. The whole sky was cloudy apart from a small gap where the low sun was bursting through, hence the glow on the horizon. That glow went the whole way over the horizon to the left of this shot, but I havent included it here. It was a special evening. The rest of the week rained pretty non stop so I was happy to at least be here on this evening.


    Thanks for your kind words.



    Coast of Wonder


    The coastline from the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Please visit my

    website for more photos of Scotland. Please visit www.timecatcher.com

    to view the photographs from a team of passionate landscape

    photographers from around the globe.


    Thanks for viewing.


  4. Taken a couple of weeks ago at Briksdalbreen Glacier in Norway. A

    very impressive glacier, very clean of debris and therefore very blue.


    This shot was taken standing on a rock that the glacier is just touching.


    For more shots of Norway please visit my website,

    www.adam-burton.co.uk. Please also visit www.timecatcher.com to view

    the photographs from a team of passionate landscape photographers from

    around the globe.


    Thanks for looking,


  5. Please visit my website www.adam-burton.co.uk to see more shots from

    my trip to Norway. Also, please visit Timecatcher.com to view the

    pictures from a team of landscape photographers from around the world.


    Thanks for looking,


    Days Gone By


    Taken at Gold Hill in Shaftesbury, England. Comments / critiques



    Please view my website www.adam-burton.co.uk and also

    www.timecatcher.com to see photographs from a team of landscape

    photographers from around the world.


    Thanks for looking,


  6. **Apologies to those who commented/rated this about 10 minutes ago. I

    received some advice suggesting I boost the contrast a bit. So I have

    tried this and resubmitted.** Thanks.



    Please visit more pics from this location at www.adam-burton.co.uk.

    Also, please visit www.timecatcher.com to view the work from a team of

    passionate photographers from around the world. Thanks for looking, Adam.

  7. I had packed up and was ready to leave the beach after a great

    evenings work. But as the colour was still stong in the sky I decided

    to try something a little different for me and shoot with a long lens.

    I set a small aperture because I purposefully wanted to blur the sea

    into mist. I wished for a higher vantage point to isolate the rocks a

    bit more from each other, but you cant win them all. I was really

    pleased with the result, especially as I didnt use any filters at all.

    Shutter was I think 25 seconds.


    Please visit my website www.adam-burton.co.uk to view more shots from

    this location. Also please visit www.timecatcher.com to view work fro

    ma team of passionate photographers from around the world.


    Thanks for looking,


  8. Thanks all for your comments.


    Sorry for not leaving more details Brian. I post on a few websites and all the info starts to become too much for me, especially as some of these sites have pretty tedious ways of selecting lens etc.


    This was taken with the Canon 10-22mm. Aperture F18, shutter I think 5 secs but Im not at home at the mo to check. I used a .3 and .6 ND grad filter.


    Hope this helps,



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