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© www.adam-burton.co.uk

Waiting for the Night II


Canon 5D, Canon 24-70L, Lee .9 ND grad filter.


© www.adam-burton.co.uk

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Taken a couple of days ago on a very cold evening along the Dorset

coast. I wanted to record the motion of the water as it drained back

out to sea around these two rocks. I waited for a wave to crash in,

and then clicked as the water receded. I set a slowish shutter (2 secs

@ F16) to record the motion.


Please view more photos on my website www.adam-burton.co.uk. Also,

please visit www.timecatcher.com to view the work of a team of

landscape photographers from around the world.


Thanks for looking.



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Thanks Dean,


I dont understand it either. I try my best with my photos, only to have some pricks ruin my efforts by purposefully voting to bring down the rating. What a co-incidence that nobody who has marked a low rating ever supplies their name or a comment. By giving the anonimity option, Photo.net condones this sort of behaviour.


I dont think I will upload any more photos on this site. I have been here a long time but I think my time is over.


Thanks for your comments.



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Adam, please DO NOT stop posting your photos. The anonymous low raters, or cowards I like to call them, effect every one. I have voiced my thoughts on this disgusting behavior only to be called a whiner or cry baby. Well, I personally think it's a valid concern. There has to be a way to stop or at least reduce this type of disrespect. I know that photo.net will NOT take away the anonimity rates all together, but maybe have a system in place where low rater get exposed. A lottery of some sort. Randomly show us the raters names. I feel your pain. It's happened to me before, but if we let it adversely effect us, then the cowards win. Do us a favor and do NOT stop posting your photos. They are a pleasure to view and admire.
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Adam I fully agree with wills comments. As a newcomer to photography and also living in the uk, I have followed your work on betterphoto, timecatcher, ephotozine etc for some time and am completely in awe of some of your shots. It would be a real shame if you stopped posting just because of a few spineless arseholes! I have had photos rated at 6&7 only for some anonymous coward to rate it 3/3 and sabotage it getting into the top photos where more people are likely to see it. People can call me a a whinger or trouble maker if they want ive got broad shoulders!! But in my opinion there is no place for anonymous ratings on this site it just serves to stop peoples hard won efforts being seen by a broader spectrum of people. Thats my rant over for the day!! Keep up the great work.







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Have you ever considered running any sort of workshop? I and I am sure many others on here would love to spend a few days Being shown some of the beautifull coastline that you specialise in and picking up some tips of the trade so to speak. Just some food for thought.



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I agree totally with Will andAdam. I have also wondered how on earth a photo that I worked hard to take and that looks good gets a 2/2. In fact Will once got a 1/1 (and I wrote a note on his site about the silly person who gave that score to a photo that almost everyone else gave 6s and 7s.)

I do not believe the answer is in exposing people who give low scores. Ratings should be anonymous and people should be able to give scores of 1 and 2. BUT only to photos that actually do not deserve more than a 1 or 2.

This is an excellent photo, and Adam, you inspire many of us. I think its terrific, and am scoring it 7/7 (I would do this even if it was anonymous-I believe it deserves that score.) Unfortunately that score I gave does not go toward "Top photos" since it is not anonymous.


Please continue to post, even if its to inspire people like me.


Happy New Year



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Yinka, very well said. And yes, please Adam, don't let those people cheat us out of seeing your great work.
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Another superb shot, Adam...perfect shutter speed, beautiful colours and compo...great work.


I will join my voice to Will, Phil and Yinka...we cannot continue to accept the rating system that allows such an image to be spoiled and drop down in the TRP by stupid "anonymous raters" that are quite right to keep hidden, otherwise their would look ridiculous in the "open air"...Please guys rating this shot average, or even below average (!!!!), please, give us a photographic lesson, teach us your great art, and SHOW us your bright excellent skills...! Day after day it is getting on my nerves increasingly...


Sorry, Adam to take your shot as another example to justify my anger...If you disagree, I will immediately offset this part of my comments...


...but not my congratulations and my 7/6 !



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