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Image Comments posted by alex_kinnan

  1. I think this is, quite simply, a good picture. Maybe not technically, but good in that it has atmosphere and is an excellent slice of life. It has a life to it that keeps one coming back for another look... If a print of this image ever turned up in a pile if pix in one of those shops that specialise in antiques and personal artifacts, I would probably buy it. It doesn't matter that I don't know either people or place in it; it's just that it is the kind of image I would pull out from time to time to look at and wonder about. If that makes any sense.

    Portrait of Doc


    I really like this and am glad to have found it. There is a really nice weight to the doggie that, combined with the colour and the composition, make it almost pop off the screen. Very nice.


    Strangely enough, I actually kind of like the bits up top, as the grey really sets off the green while harmonising with the dog's colours.

  2. Most excellent, this really does rock in a very hard core manner. I like pretty much everything about this: the colours, the textures, and the composition. I live in L.A. now, so vistas like this are rare; but you've done a great job of reminding me of one of the reasons I often enjoyed living up north (Chicago). I think this may have actually gotten me interested in investigating grad. ND filters, too, something I have never tried before....
  3. An excellent picture. I'm glad someone made the point about them all being babies, once; it's something I think about every time I see something like this. Ever since I learned of what happened under the KR, I've been in a constant state of simmering rage about it; about the rest of the world having let it happen. Each of those skulls belonged to a human brother or sister who should have saved by other civilised members of the human family. Preferably family members in B-52's. Most of these skulls should still be attached to living beings today. When I think about who the KR killed, I imagine that most of them belonged to people who would only have made Cambodia more vibrant and dynamic today. Some of them were probably photographers. If there is a Hell, I imagine Hitler and Pol Pot do their grocery shopping together in it. I hope all their lettuce is wilted...

    German Troop

    This does a have a good "wartime" feel to it; most convincing. Despite that the uniform looks like regular Wehrmacht, the film stock you used is still oddly appropriate! :)
  4. I like this rather allot. There's something about it that makes it look as though it's a still from a very interesting film... I don't quite know what it would be about, but I think it would be directed by the likes of Terry Gilliam or Stanley Kubrick. Maybe it's the angle, maybe it's the film, or maybe the optics, but the overall effect is pleasingly surreal.



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