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Image Comments posted by alex_kinnan

    TV Chair

    I agree with the previous poster. I remember seeing these TV chairs back around the same time and, even though I was just a kid, feeling the same sense of discomfort about them that I felt around medical equipment... Crude devices that our lives were somehow dependent on and which, though crude, performed their respective functions well enough that we could easily resist any urge to expect better. Especially back then, TVs and medical machinery always had the air of death about them, even as they worked to try and help us cheat or ignore it.

    Gotham city

    Really cool! Looks like you shrank yourself down for a bit and went on a photo safari in a toy city. Instead of a bus window, you maybe could have shot from the window of a little model train.



    Very nice -- it has a dreamy, yet oddly "solid" quality about it that I really like. To be honest, I think it works rather well in its soft state.


    About the only difference I might make would be to clone out that wee speck about mid-way down and little in from the right, by the wing.


    Overall, though, quite cool.

    Osprey in action


    Kudos to you for grabbing such a fine and energy-filled shot -- really quite nice.


    Kudos to the Osprey for grabbing TWO FISH at one time! Yay, bird!


    Heartfelt condolences to the fish.



    in Aliud


    This is terrific. Cinematic and inspiring. All the hard sleek angles of the architecture are given life by the soft vapours and people. The lines of the steps and the bridge draw the eye along naturally and provide pleasing texture.


    I even like the colours. Really pretty, like an idealised vision of a utopian future.



    Great picture -- really terrific colours and balance.


    The allegedly responsible part of me, though, feels compelled to warn you the five litres of wine is WAY too much for one grasshopper. The next time he comes in from a hard day of devouring crops, you need to sit him down and firmly, but kindly, stress the idea of moderation!


    I find this to be pretty much a perfect portrait, or at least one that is "perfect in its imperfections." The framing and posing of the subject are quite nice, the colour and tone of the picture are harmonious and pleasing. I've read most of the critiques so far, but I have to say that as far as my tastes go, this hits the right buttons and needs not a single thing changed. It's good enough that I would frame it and put it up on my wall without ever having met the subject.



    Terrific light and colour! I really like the way the tree and human limbs radiate in a most dynamic and complementary fashion.


    A good looking scan, too; what did you use (for scanning)?

  1. This has a really nice visual flow to it. The colour and the balance of shapes are very nice; the softness out of the camera actually works here. Proves it's not the camera so much as the user that makes the picture. (Though when my EOS Elan's shutter recently gunked up and failed, I was reminded that the camera DOES do its share of the work!)
  2. Very pretty, very serene. The flow of tones and colours relaxes the eye, even while keeping it engaged. Really nice placement of the rocks in the frame, too. Can't think of anything that I would change.


    I find this to be really cool. The colour of the subject's skin and hair really harmonise well with the blue background. The even contrast gives it a smooth, graphic quality that I find quite appealing, too. I don't know if it was your intent or not, but the hair "flyaway" on the subject's left really makes the picture with the way it flows into the white area of the background. Pretty nifty stuff.

    Shoji Ueda


    This is really cool. That sort of concrete is one of my favourite things...


    The overall composition and look of the image are terrific -- it looks like something from a sc-fi dream. This is very muchly the kind of thing I would put up on my wall.

  3. "The majority of you don't think of these images as art..."


    Than the majority are silly. One of my many and varying definitions of art is something I would want to put up on a wall and look at repeatedly. Given that, this (and many of your other pix) is (are) definitely art.

  4. The current restaurant is called "Encounter" and their Ahi tuna sandwich is one of the best I have ever had. Expensive, but ultra-yummy.


    Also: Very cool picture; it's punchy and sleek. An excellent recording of pretty much the only two buildings of interest at LAX.

  5. I normally am not too crazy about shots that remind me of '70s style hedonism and its terrible fallout, but this is really quite nice.


    The long reflection of the sun, coupled with the disk of the fiery orb itself lend the image a boldly graphic quality that is further enhanced by the almost cartoony distortion of the olives. it all provides a stark and interesting contrast with the ordinariness of the trees in the background.


    The exposure on the glass is very nice too. You captured a quality of tone that the eye really wants to linger on for a while.

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