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Image Comments posted by alex_kinnan



    That spot is one of my favourite places in downtown L.A.  I've had trouble defining what, exactly, about the spot attracts me, though.  I think it has something to with it being the kind of place that one would typically overlook, yet which has a rather lavish sign in it that once surely commanded attention and even brought a life to the strange little spot, a vitality that must have seemed rather incongruous with the dowdier qualities of that tiny nook...



    I like how the background is busy enough to add texture, but soft enough to allow her to "pop."  I also like her pose, and the fact that she's beyond cute. :)


    Oh I like this one rather allot! Not just because the model is so beautiful, but also for the colours and the gleam of the chrome, as well as the dreaminess brought about by the distorted reflections of the windscreen. Nicely composed . Well done.


    As perfect a gem of a wedding photo as I have ever seen. Everything, from the colours, to the arrangement and expressions of the people in the background just "works." The frame-within-a-frame created by the chrome trim is very nice.


    A strange and unusual image! Looks like what might have resulted if Helmut Newton had shot an album cover for Pink Floyd. Very cool.


    Excellent tones and composition. It really does look like a piece of swell art photography from the 1930s, or thereabouts.



    Crosses for eyes usually implies death, so what we appear to have here is the zombie version of some sort of anthropomorphic poop creature...


    That could explain why the lunchroom is empty.


    Oddly enough, this looks like it could be a shot for some kind of catalogue; a very weird catalogue, no doubt.

  1. I really like the mix of forms and colours in this one. The patch of blue, the shadow, and the ball itself, providing a sharp point of energy and contrast in the vast field of green... It is a terrific combination.


    What a great idea, and well executed! Of the three, this one is my favourite. The contact of the picture water to the real flame looks thoroughly convincing. This is top-flight stuff.



    This is really good and it's pretty "deep" as well. The way in which it is implied that Death gleefully follows any and all (which it does); the way the girl is blurred -- suggesting the swift, ephemeral nature of humankind; a transient nature so well and long-established that it brings great joy to the Reaper, as he knows he will always have fresh prey.


    I especially like how there could be multiple meanings in the girl's direction of travel and the more chaotic graffiti on the right side of the wall. Is it a representation of her embracing the rough-and-tumble of life, keeping one step ahead of the rigid dullness of Death's kingdom? Or is it a comment on the inevitability of disorder -- of entropy? Does the girl avoid Death's somber banality, even as she glides headlong into the disorder and destruction that will one day carry her into the embrace of her pursuer?



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