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paul ron

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Posts posted by paul ron

  1. so stupid, thin skin paranoid complainers. close it down instead of enjoying the responces the theme got?... sheesh, no one is breaking anyones arm to participate in the nw themes.


    make such a big deal over nothing.


    fixed focus... most people dont use primes!... its gear related! ... get rid of it!

    monochrome monday excludes many peoplel... get rid of it!

    tractors.. who the hell in nyc has a tractor?... get rid of it!

    corner stores?.... those poor people living in rural areas will be excluded... get rid of it!

    books?... no one reads books anymore! get rid of it!

    night shots?... too dangerous to be out at night!... get rid of it!

    whats next????


    bitch bitch bitch!


    one lesson learned from living in a big city... if ya dont like your neighborhood, move!


    i think photonet is done.

    see ya later... im sure ill find another site to play on.

    • Like 1
  2. wow over one film oriented theme? hahahahahahahaha chilax.

    There isnt much you can do with gear... it all starts to look digital anyway.


    oh is fixed focus gear oriented? ... yeah, they are taking over the place.

    hahahahaha lets go back n sip some whine n chill on the beach.

    • Like 3
  3. A lot of generalisations above. If only there was as much punctuation.


    "Watch oil"? What type of watch oil? There are dozens of different possibilities, just from Moebius, let alone other sources. Some will be quite unsuited to the insides of a Compur shutter, others will be better than anything Deckel had available in the 1950s, for example, unless, that is, you still regard whale-derived organic lubricants as state of the art, because I certainly don't. Why do you think so many of these shutters, even in cameras that were barely used, no longer run off well. It's because of the oxidised organic lubricants used, which are inferior to modern synthetics that are vastly more stable and resistant to ageing. But what would I know? I'm just a DIYer...


    I don't understand your "generalizations vs punctuation" remark.... perhaps you didn't find the manual specific enough? Perhaps I didn't stress the importance of the right way as opposed to using the common DIY shorcuts circulating the internet? I really dont care if you bathe your shutters in lard, whale oil or 30 weight motor oil... that's your way... it may not be the right way but if it works for ya.... God bless!.... but to say one lube is better than another when you don't make your living from repairs is rather brave.


    As for old lubes vs synthetics being better... Id say 70 years is more than enough expected use for any product with that amount of success. what makes you think a shutter runs better or any longer on new vs old lubes? They still fall into the 20% spec accuracy and will need service in so many years regardless of how long lubes last or not, parts wear and lubes migrate.


    Synthetic still has to prove its longevity for another maybe 50 years before you can claim the old wasn't doing its job. The old stuff has kept 100 year old cameras running this long. Shutter parts, watch parts and car engines are all designed with very exacting tolerances that allow for lubricants of very specific weights n viscosity and many other characteristics that make each one unique to their intended use ( thats why they are recommended by the manufacturer ). Using a new synth oil doesn't mean its automatically better.


    BTW you are entitled to your opinion on organic lubes... maybe you don't find them to be state of the art or impressed with their function... but if it weren't for them, how do you account for the equipment still alive that used those organics? And Im sure if you were in the camera repair business in the day those lubes were state of the art, you may have a different opinion.


    Im not against DIY methods... its a great way to keep these old gems running that otherwise may have been land fill by now. My advice, use good tools, do your homework to find the correct materials, find tried n true methods, even if they don't use their real names!



    Paul Ron

  4. when the door closes... the 3rd picture shows the part that is suposed to push that tab down?


    sounds like a bent door. if you try bending the door ever so slightly, can you get it to align? can that part that pushes the tab be bent or moved? is the tab bent?


    sometimes these doors bend out of alignment by accident when loading film or just laying the camera on an open door. ive repaired so many of these by just a twist ot reverse bending it.


    look closely as you close the door to see whats what?

  5. its common for tlr backs to get ever so slightly bent n miss align. if you post a picture id have a better idea what the cure may be? perhaps a gentle twist may be all it needs?


    if you arent using the camera, it will seize the shutter. although its been claed recently, that shouldnt happen since we are now using more synthetic lubes that shouldnt gunk up as fast.


    but oxidation in the works depends on how it was stored. try to use the camera now n again to excersize the shutter n works. putting in the sun to warm it up then giving a good workout can help losen old crud too.

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