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Image Comments posted by dan_lindsay


    Timing is everything,--as well as having the right camera/lens at the ready. Super job! next time (to make it better), have the whale do this in front of a setting sun...
  1. Many of the early digital cameras were designed without any sort of IR filter. As a result, they have a better response to IR than current models that have an IR filter just ahead of the sensor. Shot with just the 093 IR filter by B+W.


    Way too big a submission. Resize it to something like 11 inches wide, at 72dpi. Lots of color fringing (mark of a cheap lens) on this shot. Look at the red fringing along the front vertical columns.



    Nice work blending in the PSed background. Better lighting on the aircraft made this come out so well. Here's one of my better aircraft without any alteration:

  2. emil,--I was quite surprised by the closeness of these images, but you clearly have your own style of imagery! If you get the chance, try to find a copy of The New Projection Control by William Mortensen (©1942) by Camera Craft Publishing Company, SF. Take a look at page 95. --Dan

    Its a Big World

    Fuzzy, and too small. If you're going to submit an image for analysis, make it of a suitable size for it to be seen for it's pros and cons. I personally find the tree too close to the center. Sometimes that's fine when the tree is the sole subject, but your wide angle suggests that you're emphasizing the sky and foreground as well. Sorry.
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