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Image Comments posted by mihir_shah

  1. actually i prefer this one to the others in the series. in the others, the pictures are too busy with many things to look at. while this one leaves you wondering with the intentions(or the reveling) of the machine. the dof is good. overall this one tells a story while the others just capture the scene. nice shot.
  2. paulo, you may be right that composition can be improved. but even then there is something abt the image which just captures you. i think it is all these colours and overall it is a fantastic picture.my compliments.


    and a terrific one. very well shot. love the composition, dof is excellent. petr...u got to shoot more.

    The fly.

    you know, after going through your folder i have noticed that flies are not that bad looking as one would assume so or maybe its your talent. whatever it is ... a great shot. my compliments.

    Circus Clown

    Thanks amar,you are right, little more Dof would have helped, but 4 was the lowest f stop i could go with the lens. Though i can still do some ps work to get the effect. but on the other hand, the astonishment on peoples faces in the background does add to the picture and the story..
  3. hi ellis, the subject is not completely in the flash range, either you need more power or next time just time your shot well. composition also could be better. On the other hand i know how tough it is to stay at one place with getting pushed in these events. the low angle is a much better choice. happy shooting.
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