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Image Comments posted by mihir_shah


    thanks, Athanasius. thank you for taking the trouble and showing me your version. I agree with you comlpletly that a closer crop would work much better. I never thought about it. thank you again.



    thanks mandar, yes you are right.. it is about noon when the picture was taken.


    thanks parvin..happy you like it.


    thanks mohsen..actually there is no border except the one you see (thin black)..the rest is the same picture..i guess you are referring to the white empty space around the mahal...but that is just the overexposed part of the lake and the sky.


    excellent shot mohsen. beautifully composed and executed. colour contrast, DOP, exposure is perfect. my compliments.


    what a great picture, beautiful girl. there is so much warmth and peace on her face. brilliant....simply brilliant. leilani..my compliments.


    well though technically both amar and vasilis are correct abt over exposure and composition, this pic works for me just fine. her gentle smile and dreamy gaze paints a nice story which overcomes the technical points....great shot parvin. excellent tonal range. my compliments.

    miss nitu-16

    parvin, your composition is different and non conventional which is a excellent habit. though i would have tried a tighter composition to avoid large empty space on top right corner. but thats me..your pic is excellent and as usual metering is spot on. my compliments.
  1. nice picture satvinder. good composition..really like the way the sail colours form a contrast to the bombay smog. nice one. satvinder you need to get your D70 sensor cleaned though..before it gets worst. have fun.


    wow...biswajit...you have inspired me to look into my old pictures and work on them. i mean if this were my original shot i wouldnt have thought too much abt it...but you converted it into a classic. my compliments.

    Where's MY worm?

    Jim..its an excellent capture...how close were you? as for the blurred chicks...i IMO sharper would have been better but as said above not many get the chance to capture then like this. nice shot.
  2. i wish the grass blade in the center which cuts across the picture weren't there? but still a really nice picture and title...sometimes it makes you wonder how fast nature changes.
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