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patrik in sweden

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Posts posted by patrik in sweden

  1. Jay, as a Swede, I am not sure what to say.

    I have been brought up in BMW's, my dad has had about 25 of them in 30 yrs. Only one Volvo has passed through, I think he had it for about a month or so...


    I just bought myself, to my wife's dimay, a Hasselblad XPan version I, got such a good deal inkl. 45 & 90mm lenses. On the point of being ugly I have to disagree, think it looks alright to me.


    At least a whole lot better than an M5, that is Leica not BMW.

  2. Who can forget her in "Trading Places"...


    Another M6(black)user is Pierce Brosnan, the current 007. How's that for a comparison between the gadget-oholic vs. real real life!


    BTW, to my knowledge Andretti has never raced F1. Cart, yes.

  3. I have one for sale.

    Comes boxed,pouch,both caps, Heliopan UV filter, shade+ Leica finder in pouch.

    All is mint- condition. Minor wear on the VF pouch, small scratch on front lens cap.

    As I am in Sweden, this may be more intresting to EU citizens.

  4. Harvey,

    I know what you mean, I used to live at 56 Vincent Sq.(before moving back to my native Sweden), just around the corner. This fair always had a dangerous combination, good stuff at good prices. Buying Leica stuff was normally good as the Leica "fondle-aholics" were mainly showed their filled Billingham bags of what they had with them intead of buying...

  5. I have purchased via post a 2nd hand VF for the 21mm M lens.

    The dealer told me the VF was a Leica, and upon receiving the VF, I

    see it is a Leitz version. The VF was described as Mint- and it is.

    But as the lens is a brand new ASPH-model I would like them to be "of

    the same age". This may sound picky to some of you, but can someone

    shed some light when a transition between Leitz to Leica was done. Or

    have they produced until the end side by side, before being replaced

    by the combined 21/24/28 VF.


    I am interested in help, not ignorante comments.

    Thanks in advance.

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