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Posts posted by glassbus11

  1. Ok, so I got charged $5 per scan, which he "reduced in price" from $20 per scan. That came to around $160 and when he saw my face, he decided $100 was enough. I was blown away by the price, so I did a little research online and it seems that it should be between $2-$4. So I'm not crazy or picky right?


    PS I dont know exactly how he scanned them. I doubt it was drum, but I cant be positive.

  2. I work at a studio where in some days we can go through approximately 400 feet of paper, but a range of 50-575 feet is what we range in there someplace. I dont know how much paper you are planning on running or how much money and effort you are looking to invest. But we use a Gretag HSP Mileca. http://www.thomaselectronics.com/photoimaging/mileca_overview.php They are not easy to come by and are very expensive. You might find a deal or some better information than from me here: http://forums.sonman.com/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=f8f6df483f0a4e74cdf002925f032fcd .


    But we also use a Kreonite processor for color, so I know there should be no problems there. On a smaller scale, I really dont know how to help you. I only know what we use and I barely know that. I hope I didnt completely waste your time! :D Have a good one.

  3. Wow, this thread is kind of old, but I still feel the need to throw in my two cents as well.


    I agree with Kristin above me.


    I think it is ridiculous to say that it has to do with ego. The reason I started selling on a micro stock site is because I had images I didnt have any artistic attachment to just sitting on my computer taking up hard drive space. I started to post and things started to sell. So I decided to keep it up. I really haven't made a whole lot of money, but the little I can get is worth it to me. Its all about bulk and volume, not how much you sell that ONE image at. If you ask me, I am not looking to make a thousand dollars off one image. Of course, everything has its market.


    Since I now shoot sometimes specifically for stock, it keeps me doing photography. They say in order to improve your photography skills, one must KEEP SHOOTING. I always go through photographers block and sometimes shooting stock gets me back into a mindset where I can shoot things more technically correct as well as maybe spark some creativity in me that I couldn't find before.


    I keep the line between my art (basically things posted here and other sites of the like) and my stock very definitive. I dont take offense to any of it...I know where I stand. I cant figure out why some people are so hostile toward it.

  4. Im absolutely positively getting a Holga. ASAP. But before I jump into it, Im

    trying to find out if the Holga 120 FN (flash only, no color wheel built in)

    will take a color wheel afterwards? Could I buy a FN and then buy one later or

    do I have to get the CFN in order to have the colorflash?


    Im sorry if this has been asked before, I did a bit of research. :)

  5. Does anyone know a website where I can maybe pick up some bulk rolls

    of kodak tmax 400 iso, 24exp. film? Ive been looking like crazy and I

    cant find anything besides hundred foot rolls that you have to cut up

    yourself. Im looking for a minimum of ten rolls, no more than

    say...30. From what I have seen, the cheapest route may be to buy

    single rolls from Adorama at $3.15 a piece. Any suggestions?

  6. You dont have to apologize. Some of us can be slightly positive. Thanks for the post. It would be something Id look into. Just because it is an online source, it shouldnt be completely disregarded.
  7. I originally planned on getting it from Cameta Camera. They have an EBay store and are completely legit. I think their site is www.cameta.com. They often have amazing prices because of refurbrished items and factory demos and things of that nature.


    A while back I purchased an N55 from them. It was apparently a store display camera. It was like it was brand new. There wasnt even a scratch on it. I have never had a problem with it and I would absolutely buy from them again. (I bought a lens from them at one point as well, but it was new I believe.) I cant remember how much, but I paid a lot less than buying it from most places new. I trust them, but the prices for what I was looking for are a little steep. They had a D70s body for somewhere around $725-$775, factory demo, but the auction ended before I decided if I was going to get one in the first place. Now I think I might just wait for them to put something like that up again.

  8. There are reputable places on the net where one can purchase things cheaper. A couple I know that mostly sell computer parts, electronics and things of that sort are Newegg.com and zipzoomfly.com. Its hard to tell. I am glad I asked and found out about these places being such crappy joints, but its not always so obvious.
  9. Im in the market for a D70s. I want the body only becuase I already

    own lenses that will be compatible. Why buy more when I dont need it

    as of yet? Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows of somewhere cheap

    I can get one. I have found these two places online and I found

    nothing good on EBay, just so you know.


    http://www.expresscameras.com/prodetails.asp?prodid=340648&start=1 -$599


    http://www.royalcamera.com/nid761me.html -$425


    Shipping is probably unbelievably expensive, I havent checked yet

    actually. Also plus tax...


    If anyone knows where I can get good stuff cheap, I will love you

    forever. I am cool with refurbished items or factory demos, but no

    used junk please! Remember: Im looking for body only.


    Thanks in advance if you can be of any help to me!

  10. Oh I would absolutely love to go out a buy a D70, or even one of the newer ones that have recently come out or will be soon. But what attracted me to the *istDS was the price. I went down to that store today and found that it doesnt seem like something I would want to compromise. It doesnt seem...'up to par'. But this is comming from someone who is used to Nikons, especially the D70, since I use it so often. It almost seemed cheap and like it wasnt made very well. Maybe Im just spoiled with the D70...


    Thanks so much for your responses. I appreciate it.

  11. I actually dont own the D70. I use it almost daily for work purposes, but the camera is owned by the company I work for.


    I didnt know that Pentax doesnt offer image stabilization. Its not a huge deal to me, but it would be a nice feature.


    Thanks so much for the info and your opinions.

  12. Actually I dont see how I am in the wrong forum. The reason I made this thread was to find out if anyone had experience with this camera. Where would have been a better place? You didnt even say. I asked for opinions, and I got some. I appreciate your input, but dont really see why you got harsh.
  13. Does anyone own/use one of these cameras? I was looking into one

    yesterday because of the price at a local store. Thing is...I use a

    Nikon D70 for work and up until yeterday, I was just about dead set on

    getting a Nikon. I also own an N55, so as you can tell, I love my

    Nikons. Does anyone know how these compare? I have looked online at

    reviews and stuff, but I wanted to get more opinions. I still want to

    go to the store and hold it and feel how it is and use it a little,

    but I would still like to hear some opinions. Thanks.

  14. I actually never saw any of his work until now. Thanks for posting the link by the way...I was impressed.


    The photography is actually grouped in the media and performing arts program with film, video, and SIM. I would like to definately major in photography, but I would also like to minor in graphic design. So I don't nessasarily need a strict cirriculum of photography, even though it is most what I would want to study.


    And MassArt already is a state school. That is one of the many reasons why this school is a better bet for me than Montserrat, a school that I'd love to go to but cant afford. By being a state school, I can transfer all the credits I have earned at the state school I am at now, Worcester State, also in Massachusetts, obviously. That definately has its pros and cons, but the biggest pro is the price!


    As for housing, I was thinking about taking a semester off to go out there and find a job to keep up an apartment. Do you know how the prices are out there?


    Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it!

  15. Hi, I have been looking into art schools in and around Boston. My

    first pick, for many reasons is MassArt. I am curious to know if

    anyone that reads this has gone there or knows somone who has or

    does attend. I would like to hear reactions to their photography

    programs, experiences and personal perspectives of the school

    itself. Any help will be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  16. Ah...that pesky noise. Well, the pictures are mostly just used for high school yearbooks. So they will be printed fairly small.


    I keep hearing about this Noise Ninja. Uhm...Im a little lost, never heard of it. Ill have to check that one out.


    Thanks again for all your help!

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