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michael cohen

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Image Comments posted by michael cohen

    Jenni is resting


    Jenni was resting when I saw the wonderful light spredig on her naked

    body. If she would not stop her rest I wouldn't have captured my

    photo. Thank you Jenni ! thank you all for your critique and comments.



    A bird in the cage


    Dea was standing near the window when I captured her with my camera,

    as if she was a bird that was captured by someone. Your critique and

    comments will be appriciated . Yours Michael



    Thanks to all of you, I asked only to share with you recent photos of mine and recived so many good comments from you, (I fined myself so confused) thank you again.


    Michael Muson - the glow in the pictures is the balance that I did when I worked"color balance" that I did when I worked with Photoshop-7


  1. Many thanks to all my fellow photographers who have expressed their pinion about my photo one more push. The photo was indeed taken at the hospital without any additional lighting except for the flash in my camera. The staff at the hospital was aware of the shooting, as was the mother. There was no staging and I photographed as the birth proceeded (about 24 hours) someone commented that this is an ordinary procedure which takes place thousand of times each day. Nevertheless, I do not recall having seen photos of this nature before, except that of Pnina Even Tal. On the other hand I did not come across any nude photography, landscape, architecture and portraits that were in any way un-usual or original or unique in any sense.


    In my opinion, in this photo there is something primary and original in the aesthetic manner in which it was presented. The photo was shot in its natural environment. It was technically well carried out in spite of the harsh circumstances. I agree that there is always room for improvement and certainly I could have added some touching up in Photoshop but I did not feel that it was necessary. From my point of view, the composition was good, the color management was well done and the idea was well expressed.


    I, as a photographer, made great effort to be very sensitive and considerate in view of the very intimate situation and showed great respect to the mother who agreed to share with me these very emotional moments as far as the hands are concerned in the photo, I assume that this is something very subjective to each of us. Everyone relates in a different manner. Personally, I feel that the hands are a very important part of the story.


    Every person has his own criteria of aesthetics and only the photographer himself can judge this and only he should set his own limits. Originality should be appraised for the pictures idea, the angle of shooting, and the color combination and of course the composition. Otherwise, many nudes, portraits and landscape photos would have vanished a long time ago. We always seek to tell a moving and exciting story and not only to pass on information.


    Last but not least, I would like to refer to the ratings of some of our friends who do not take into account any of the points I related to and I get the feeling that their ultimate motives are other than photography. When most of the photographers rate picture at 5, 6.7 it seems very strange that a few unidentified others rate the same picture at l.2. Perhaps they are not familiar with the system of rating in photo net and therefore by mistake they misjudge.


    This phenomena occurring over and over again is very disturbing especially because these people choose to remain anonymous but still have the privilege of under-rating other photographers. It would be a good idea if they could participate in the forum but refrain from judging.


    I will be happy to assist in finding some solution to this problem which I am sure will be to the benefit of all concerned.


  2. To all My fellow Photographers.

    I appreciat very much your comments and criticism.

    Nevertheless I would like to remark to those photographers ( even if they are only few) who dare not to share with us their photos , and yet give unfair score under false names.it is very clear that their remarks are irrelevant to the photographs and probably have other motives.

    I belive thatit would be advisable for P.N Mmanagement to creatsome kind of mechanism that will enable most of the participants to enjoy a fair play. I would be grateful to hear your opinion about this idea. I do belive that other photographers share these feelings with me. Consequently, all of us would benefit and feel better about presenting our photographers.

  3. I find that it will be very correct to share the momment of giving

    berth with you. Quit Long time since I thought to share my experiance

    with my fellow photographers. That due to the fact that giving bert

    is so uniqe and exciting and very natural...So my decision was to

    share it with you. and to try and incourge others to participat in

    such an ocasion and still to be able to bring more version of other

    photographs. Your comments and critique will be apprichiated.



    Nepalies Potter


    As most of the time when I took my photos in the Far East, it was

    from dark places. I used 2oo ASA film and it forced me to do the

    exposing in slow speed, still my advances was that I recived the

    movement of the potter's wheel.

    So beautiful

    If so many good people says that it is wet outside may be it will be better if you take your umbrella... When I added the trail behinde Dea I ment to give the feelings that most of us has, after they saw a beautful person like she is. We can not forget (sometime we don't want to forget). Any how in the near future I'll put in my gallery in P.N the original frame. Many thanks to all of you for sparing some of your time to comment my photo, it is real immportante for me to recive your feedback thanks again michael



    Irecived a call from a women saing that she is feeling that she has

    the feeling that she is going to give berth tonight ! She asked me to

    take photos of her pregnancy be four her delivery. I decided to show

    the expectations from her eldest doughter point of view. I used 2

    progectors and not singl flash light. Kindly write down your comments

    and critique. Michael

    Hypnosis shock


    I took the photo early in the morning, when he watched me from very

    close distant. I tryed to catch in the photo his both eyes, (usualy

    you can see only either his left or right eye in the same time.)

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