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michael cohen

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Image Comments posted by michael cohen

    Very strong eyes


    I love very much the very strong eyes of that monk. Even side light

    with the correct background can give us the three daimentioned kind

    of photo.

    Your comments and critiques are most welcome. Michael

    The dilemma


    Thanks a lot for all your comments. Frederic (I couldn't understand the end of what you wrote) and all the others that mentioned that Yuri and me did similar photo - You are right . We are good freinds and often we go to do pictures togather. We are working with the same kind of tools the models are the same the light and sites are the same. The outcome is similar too. I try a lot to bring diffarent approch to simmilar photos since we are working on the same subject matter some time it comes out very similar. the only diffarent is that Yuri is an ARTIST , REAL ARTIST and I had to learen a lot till I'll be able to achive The standart that he had alredy achived...long time ago...

    My modest opinion is that if our photos add just a little beat even only to one photographer, that is more than enough for me and satisfying me very much. Thanks again Michael



    Dear Ron just for your information it is not fake

    never the less I added photoshop work on this fram and I could do it better.

    Some thing that I recommend very much to do when this technology exsist in our days. If we want to creat art the story that we want to tell weigh much more, comparing to how we did it. Still I think the technic is very importante the same as if we write a book, playing all kind of instruments, or if we paint etc we have to be profetional. I follow your photos in your portfolyo few of them are nice when

    still some could be improved technicaly and than would tell your story even better. thank you for your comment. Michael

  1. Very inocent look from a nude girl I like very much the floded light

    on her faice and body. Yet she send a crtain look away from the

    camera. Thank you for your comments and critque. Michael



    To my fellow photographers

    Am I right when I feel that when we rate flowers with comparison to nudidty photos, we disgrade them by defintion much below than nude subject matter. From asstetices aspects the diffarence is lower but I think that originality is not only in subject matter but also in color metch-up, new approch to the way of doing the composition and as well as the new way of shoing a flower photo etc. I have the feeling that when we see naked women we are in most cases, gives haiger rating to the naiked women ones. From pure photographing poient of view I think that we should correct this way of raiting. Am I right ? Michael

  2. She did not posed for me I had to "fight" to be in able to get her in

    to my camera. I moved with her in their pared when the did Jisuse

    tail to the Cross.

    When she had proper backround I pressed three times 0n my shutter and

    that is, more or less ,what I capchered. Kindly add your comment to

    your critique. thanks Michael

  3. I like very much your version to a very fantastic place , one of the most beautiful sites in Greece.

    I would try to take it again with wideangle lens , some thing like 17mm-25mm wide and from a lower position. Thank you for sharing this photo with us. Michael

  4. The Christians clanns in this week cillibrates thiere ceremonies and

    of cours it is real cilibration for the photographers too...Kindly

    add your comments and critiques too . thank you Michael

  5. No artificial light, just our beloved sun shine spred so good with

    her warm horns and she is doing it even better when it lightened

    Jenny with perffect light on Jenny face. Your comment will be




    So beautiful

    To the all comardes, thank you very much for your remarks and the encoureging comments. I said befor that when so many good peple says that it is wet outside maybe you would do better if you take your's umbrella... I still love not only the photo but the story that come out from the fierst version. thanks to all off you. Michael

    So beautiful


    Last October few of the comments Sujested to do this photo without

    the "traile" of Dea (see it in my protfolio), I promised that I'll do

    it. Kindly add your comments to the new one. Thank you in advanced.




    The flower was taken with opposite sunlight and a reflection of

    light of the sun through puddle. Looking forward to your comments and

    critique thanks Michael

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