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Posts posted by juha_immonen

  1. Are there any who use these methods as primary when walking around and

    taking photos? Sure it's damn fast way and you probably won't miss the

    decisive moment, but how accurate are results?


    I got thinking about this because I got one Minolta SLR from 60s to my

    hands and meter's battery have run out. So I've now tried these, still

    waiting to see the results (1st film in) but wrote to hear other's



    Btw, on SLR series I think that's quite nice Minolta (SR-7), body

    feels robust and there's 55/1.7 glass in front of it. And it works

    without batteries which is plus if this 16+zone starts to rock ;)<div>00GPTo-29969984.jpg.2d95b24c237f57db64bf43a43e3ba72e.jpg</div>

  2. Umh, if I am totally late with this and it has already been

    discussed, please forgive.


    Any expriences about this new apo-asph-summicron 75? How does it

    perform? How's the bokeh? How about compared to 75lux, 50asph and

    apo-asph 90 cron?



  3. Hi,


    Anyone any idea what gear this NG-photographer is using? In latest NG

    he states to be 'man of one camera and one lens', and has Leica

    hanging around his neck. Also some words about simplicity, not latest

    technical gizmos. Had also this (?) Leica in hands few magazines

    earlier when there was article about Vietnam.





    to Magnum</a>

  4. From time to time I've read that M lenses beat R lenses in this and

    that category, being better, sharper, etc.


    Is this true? All hassle about Leica myth and -stuff is around M

    ones. But how does for example latest R-summicron 50 perform? Against

    M-one? Or 35mm's?


    I'm not intrested about SLR vs rangefinder thing, just lenses and

    images they produce.


    Best regards.

  5. OK, a bit unscientific test because of handhelding etc, but imho it

    does show some nice details. 5400dpi should give more info about lens'

    resolving power, but no can do...


    What do you like? Going to do some more of these in few days, with



    It's T70 body, breech lock 135/2.5 @f4, Fuji Astia 100F, 1/1000s

    shutter and Minolta Dual Scan 3 @2800dpi.<br>


    <img src="http://clogz.pelaaja.info/lovan/whole_image.jpg"><br><br>

    <img src="http://clogz.pelaaja.info/lovan/detail1.jpg"><br><br>

    <img src="http://clogz.pelaaja.info/lovan/detail2.jpg"><br><br>

    <img src="http://clogz.pelaaja.info/lovan/detail3.jpg">

  6. Hi,


    While ago I found a thread where Leica's 35mm's were compared to each

    others with three test shots. Two shots about camera wall (Mamiya in

    enlargement) and one about christmas lights. Different aperture

    settings, enlargements from center and corner. There were 35lux asph,

    35cron asph and 35lux 4th gen. OK, that's just to make you remember,

    I couldn't found it anymore.


    Later replies were asking about same kind of comparison with 50mm

    lenses, and that's what I'm asking here also (maybe other 50mm's

    also?). There has been lots and lots of yaa-yaa-yaa talk and post

    about 50lux, 50cron and new 50lux asph. But I haven't seen any single

    similar test. It might be that no one does have 50lux asph in his

    pocket yet, but you guys have those others. I don't, and now I'm

    asking someone to make such a test, or point me a link to one already



    I know all 50mm's are capable to make good pics, and yes it's about

    photographer not about the gear.


    Bad idea?


    BR, Juha

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