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Posts posted by astcell

  1. If you took 3 pictures of the same quality then you may have lost 3 or 4 images on the card, maybe less but probably not more. You can get free recovery software online now at places like download dot con to restore your pictures. Don't worry, it happens to all of us at one time or another!
  2. Alan D , may 11, 2005; 08:25 p.m.

    Hi Pedro, Just a friendly caution from me. Your abreviation of the word Japanese may offend some reader out there. Just a thought.

    Regards, Alan



    Some people are just WAAAAAYYYYY too sensitive.

  3. I used to own the 170-500, it was slow focusing but the results were very nice. It seems you wish to reach out past 200mm. Have you considered the 70-200/4 and the 300/4L with 1.4x TC? Stay Canon if you can, the glass is worth it. And if you want to sell one day, you will get 80%+ of your money back. Sell the off brand and you will be lucky to see 40%.
  4. I have the 1D and played with the 1Ds at CES last January. The answer is simple. If you shoot studio or other types of photography where you use the full frame (weddings, portraits, scenics, wide angle), then YES get the 1Ds. If you shoot immages that usually need to be cropped (PJ, sports, grab shots), then the 1D is your camera.


    If you took a 1Ds and cropped it down to the 1D size image, you will be better off with the 1D. The 1D has larger pixels hence the results are better. The 1Ds has more pixels, but if you crop them out, you lose the advantage of the 1Ds.

  5. Worth $7,000, today only. The other day I saw a laer printer in a thrift store. It was the same model I bought for $1,000.00 when I graduated college. The price in the store? $4.00.
  6. If you put it up for auction it should get $2000. Yes, dealers will cut the price wat down because they have to assume the liability for the lens, as well as make money. You should sell it private party. If you accept less than $2000 then you must be desparate, because you WILL get that.
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