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Image Comments posted by johnmyers


    Fabulous, I love shots like this (as you can probably tell by viewing my own collection of images). Was this taken lit by night street lamps or is that editing? Good shot, John.



    "When all the leaves have fallen and turned to dust

    will we remain entrenched within our ways"


    - Dead Can Dance


    Please view larger version and thank you in advance for any comments

    and suggestions.

  1. Nice scene but I'm afraid that the contrast is a bit high. This is in my opinion of course but it seems the highlights in the grass and rocks are blown out and that is pretty distracting and contradictory to the tranquility this place has to offer. Did you shoot in RAW? If so, I would open that file up through Photoshop and try to restore the highlights. Once you get the highlight and shadow detail you need (as much as you can anyway!) you can easily correct the mid-tones through curves and levels. Looks like such a peaceful place to visit!


    Edit: Just so you know, I didn't rate your photo, and I think giving a 3/3 without comment is just rude.

  2. You almost got this perfect. The exposure is perfect and the tonality is really superb...but it's not level! I'm thinking you must have been standing slightly off-center from the door when you took this...definately something to watch out for when using such wide angles - hard to tell from the viewfinder so sometimes it's best to stand far back from your camera to make sure the whole tripod/camera setup is centered for a shot like this. It's really hard to tell its offcenter from the bottom, but the top stands out to me. Otherwise really great shot!


    Very good photo. I'm a little torn, though, on whether to suggest cropping a little black space off the right side or not. On one hand it adds more three-dimensionality to the image, but on the other it's a bit offsetting, especially with the somewhat tight (perhaps too tight?) crop on the right hand side. Good image nonetheless and the textures are very very interesting!
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