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Image Comments posted by johnmyers


    Thank you Adan, they represent the same to me. It's a feeling as though I'm the very first person in the world to see the Sun rise...a very special event, especially over snow-capped mountain peaks. In this particular case this represents something even greater to me...it's the very plane flight in which the end result was meeting the love of my life. This is the sunrise of my life and one I'm eternally grateful for.
  1. Adan, you have done well keeping the sky blue, the clouds not blown out, and still managing to get detail in the shadows of the tree. The problems I see with this image is first (and easiest to correct) that the tree has taken on a definite blue/gray tint - a simple white balance issue that can be corrected in photoshop. Now as for the image itself...you obviously have some people here who enjoy this image and more power to them. I see a major problem with this picture though and I'll try to put it into words as best I can: to me, there is just too much. Too much sky, too many branches, too many shapes, too many patterns...there just isn't enough dimension to the photo to separate the individual pieces necessary to keep the eye interested. What bothers me most about this though is that there is no relative starting point. Nothing to catch the eye first off and slowly lead them around until finally able to take the scene in as a whole, instead it seems to all be presented at once (in some cases this is fine but in most it's not) - I suppose this goes back to the dimensionality I just brought up. Without a starting/ending point and without dimension, I can't help but assume right off the bat that this is a snapshot. If it's a snapshot, then I suppose I should stop talking now, but if it's something more then I hope I have helped you for next time. I suppose first thing to do would be to bring in more of the tree in the first place (with possibly a not-so-harsh light source such as morningrise or sundown). Maybe use a wider angle lens and get more underneath the tree possibly to include some of the trunk as well. I hope helps!

    Lost Mill

    Nice angle here and good processing. Perhaps a bit closer to the house and lower to the ground would be even more dramatic? Either way, good shot and glad I could see it.
  2. You don't know how sick I am of people rating without even trying to help a photographer fix the scene. Good exposure, though could use a little saturation (the grass almost carries a slight greyish tint). The main problem I see with this image is a lack of a definite subject. If the overall scene is your subject, it just won't work out for the majority of viewers. For the most part, landscapes without any way to lead the eye around the image really turn out flat and just too busy, which is what I think happened here. The tree on the right is cut off too abruptly, but more importantly it is at almost the same exact distance from the point where the picture was taken as the little tree in close to the middle of the image. This lack of apparent depth leaves the viewer as seeing the image as a two dimensional image. If you can, go back to this place as it's quite lovely and try to add some depth, play with angles of objects in your frame and try to get a bit closer to one versus the other...I think you'll enjoy the results! P.S. I did not rate your image; I'm not anonymous.

    A zigzag-shadow...

    Good image, but I would crop out a decent amount of the right hand side, all you need is a tiny bit slightly after the shadows. Also, if you can, I would go back to this scene and retake this using an aperture that would allow the railing to be equally as sharp as the steps. May also consider cropping out the top of the red railing where it connects to the concrete.


    Interesting image inside that water droplet. Well done image, though while the shallow DOF frames the droplet very well, I do think it's just a bit too shallow.
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