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Image Comments posted by ransford


    I am unfamiliar, regrettably, with this flower but this configuration is superb, the way the leaves dance around the flower. Your background treatment works especially weel here, drawing all its colors from the flower itself.


    what I like about this is the messiness of the surroundings with the smile on the woman's face. No matter where you live, it is always a joy to sit out on a porch or balcony and view the world, to say hello to the people passing by.


    Bringing out the beast! I think what makes this stand out from other tiger shots is the interesting contrast in pattern between the tiger's stripes and the green stuff (in Florida it would be called 'duckweed') floating on the water. The color contrast between the two is also noteworthy. My personal preference would be to emphasize this contrast by cropping much of the body of the tiger, it seems, in my opinion, to lead awkwardly out of the photo.

    Thanks for perusing my portfolio. Please don't stop.


  1. Eye-catching, clever, and intriguing. More than just an interesting approach, I think we can read a number of interesting messages here, whether intended or not. Having just spent a week at the beach, I think we sometimes are just feet as we walk. Walking barefoot on the beach is the only occasion on which I am really very conscious of my feet. The rest of me sometimes disappears as here. I also notice the alternating black and barefoot walkers. This is an interesting procession. Well done!
  2. I find this image intriguing. It begs to tell a story, I'm making them up in my head. The entire Winchester Cathedral series is excellent, especially altogether.

    Just spent two weeks in Vermont with my sister, followed by a week at the beach with daughters and grandchildren. Hope to have some photos to post but I'm not too optimistic about them...I didn't get any time to go out on my own for pictures, just grabbed what I could.



    I see here again (as noted the other day) you have put the focal point in the center and yet have an asymmetrical composition that is well-balanced. I would also like to comment on your depth of focus, which seems to me quite masterful. I wondered at first if this is not accidental, but the precision of your images suggests otherwise. In fact this image looks to me on close inspection purposely blurred in post-processing. Am I correct?

    This is a superb image in a superb collection (lady bugs).

    Thanks for comments on my site. Ransford


    I disagree with an earlier commenter. My first impression was how remarkable that you could put the bee in the middle and still have a great composition. You make your own rules...to great effect, I might add.


    great shot, well-cropped. I find myself looking at the white spaces almost as much as the flowers--very impressive. I like the way the out-of-focus flowers lead out of the frame. I feel as if you are the only person who could have composed this image--again, very impressive.


    Great reflections on wings and body. Brilliant crop. This is one of those rare images you could hang on any side and it would look great. I like that idea because every time you turn it, you see it fresh and new. Of cours, you need to take you name off.
  3. Just trespassing on your portfolio and found this gem. It is such an outstanding flower, with petals like feathers. It could be cropped in several ways to make great images, but I like your original crop; it has great strength.


    Of course I'll buy a camera, kind of a no-brainer. I'm keeping my '97 Miata until it collapses and I ain't moving, no fancy clothes and as long as I stay away from wild women, I got plenty money for cameras and computers. The big question is which camera to buy.

    Sounds like you are working too hard, hope you enjoy it.


  4. Surprised you never asked for a critique on this one. Maybe it's because most don't like abstract forms. I don't even know what this is, but I like it alot. Great lines and light.


    I think this is an interesting departure from the broad landscape lightning or the lightning-hits-Empire-State-Building. I like the was the red lights on the car contrast with the gray scene. Really a delightful photo.


    This has great rhythm, I'm not sure 'ritmico' translates what I feel. I can almost hear music drifting in from nearby.


    Night Heron

    A masterpiece, this absolutely blows me away. The ratings are absurd...there is absolutely nothing in this photo to find fault with. Perfect.

    Lights and shadows

    Hard to stop looking at this one. Marvelous balance among the four figures, I keep looking from the shadows to the central figure. She has a stately head and a moving body--very effective. The other figure seems to me clearer in the shadow than the dancer--also very effective and a nice balance with the lighted figure. I love this picture!


    Masonic Hall

    Even though this is just a piece of the Masonic building, it conveys the feel of it...this jagged pink textured building. I took a bunch of pictures of this building last year but was not satisfied with the results. I'd like to do it all over again, maybe at several different times of day. I was in a hurry.

    Your image makes it resemble the steps to an Aztec pyramid. The building also seemed to me somehow pagan, not what I would have expected from this society. (maybe I should have)

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