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Image Comments posted by ransford

  1. Joel, I think this should be in the category "photo-journalism" because you have captured the real "meaning" of a visit to Disney. But I'm waiting for more flowers - you know they are my passion.


    I like the contrast between pose and spontaneity, formality and seductiveness. If I'm not the photographer, maybe she's looking at me (I hope).

    Coming Alive


    Very exciting. I love the contrast between the intensity of the tulips and the lack of color intensity of the leaves and stems, even though the latter are striking because of the outline of the lighting. A very strong and masculine treatment of flowers that are often weak when clustered




    This is enchanting, I would even say intoxicating! There are too many good things happening in this picture that I despair of mentioning them. Sergio, what you feel in this picture I feel also. Thank you.




    I find this picture "satisfying," and I mean that in a very favorable sense. I wanted to comment on the framing because I like this the best of your frames, perhaps because it is the simplest - obvious without being intrusive. Also, it is the most meaningful: The flower comes from somewhere outside the picture; this flower is still alive.



    I hope there is no message here. I would call it "spiritual" rather than "erotic." But the point is that I look and look and look and then I think and think, but not too much of the latter. This piece demands enlargement. I see it as almost life-size figures on an austere white wall over a fireplace (not a museum wall). I see it as monumental, sculpturesque. If it works that way, then it is great. At any rate, to me it is powerful, teetering on the edge of melodrama without falling in.
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