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Posts posted by rgerraty

  1. <p>Arthur, the current firmware for the M9 supposedly has better battery management. Some suspect, me included, that it just records a lower per cent value for remaining power than the previous firmware, and shuts your camera down sooner than the previous version. Unfortunately the 'experts' at the official Leica repair place in Melbourne upgraded my firmware from 1.176 to 1.196 when the camera was in for sensor cleaning. Apparently you can't swap back with an M9-P, and I actually have not tried. Discrete mode still works, most of the time. I don't understand why in 9 months Lecica have not upgraded the firmware again. The ME is a current Leica product.</p>
  2. <p>Great camera. I am thinking of getting a second one. The black and white jpegs are sometimes wonderful, occasionally surpassing anything I can dial up in Lightroom from the raw file. I remember importing raw files into Lightroom for the first time. Pictures! Colour pictures! I was half expecting sdk101110011001111100001etc. The raw is no hassle at all and has advantages. Most of the time my files need no adjustment much at all. As to the screen on the back of the camera, I honestly now cannot see what it is that so irritated me when I first got it. I really have no complaint about the LCD screen now. My only remaining disappointment with the camera is the current firmware mucking up the discrete mode function.</p>
  3. <p>Jim, I have had one of these for 36 years and it is indispensable. I have the smaller ballhead, making it very compact. I am worried to take it as carry on luggage nowadays. I have indeed used it on my chest and against a wall. I have even used it upside down with the legs applied to overhead concrete. It is extremely sturdy. Each leg hub is accurately machined and nestles inside its neighbour. It is very stable.</p>
  4. Love the M9. It's just another Leica M camera with a digital sensor. My way of shooting has had to change little in nearly

    40 years. Under exposure in low light is savagely punished with noise, especially colour noise.


    I get nice results with the correct exposure at ISO 1600 with black and white conversion or by adding the clever out of

    camera M9 black and white jpegs. On RFF I've seen some lovely outdoor night colour shots at ISO 1600 and I have had

    similar at ISO 1250.


    I deliberately bought the Zeiss 21 f4.5 and I have lived comfortably enough with the minor colour fringing, that I have not

    yet bothered to work out how CornerFix works. I haven't noticed a problem with my Zeiss or Voigtländer 25s, nor with

    the Zeiss 18mm.


    There's such detail in the files you could crop your 135 Elmar shots from the theatre.


    So buy some new cards.

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