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Posts posted by subha

  1. The SD10 has some nice package deals. Check with BH Photo and other sites. YOu get the body + 18mm-55mm and 55mm-200mm lens for about $1250.00 or less.


    However the BULB mode is no longer that 30 seconds. 30 Seconds is the MAX.


    Next there are not that many great lens for Sigma. Like no 50mm f1.4. The closest is 50mm f2.8 which is also a true 1:1 macro lens.

  2. I heard from one of my collegues, there is a 8 MP DSLR coming out sometime in the middle of this year, which is a consumer oriented camera meaning not the EOS 1D-Mark II.


    Does anyone have the website or information as when the new models be announced.. and where?


    I played with 10D and heard about 300D, but i would rather wait for the next model which incorporates some of the advantages of D300 into 10D. The 10D does not have infra-red remote trigger, which 300D has. 300D does not have mirror lockup while 10D has. 10D uses penta prism, and 300D does not. And so and so forth.


    Hopefully Canon would make a DSLR that incorporates all the nice features of both 10D and 300D, and price it around $799.00 for the body.

  3. Does anyone have any credible information if Canon plans to use

    Foveon X3 chip on their Digital SLRs. I have a Canon Elan2E (EOS), and

    have many Canon Lens, and want to migrate to Canon Only, but i am

    waiting for Foveon X3 to be adopted by Canon..

  4. For those who don't know this, I like http://www.photosig.com/ layout and the way the search and classification is laid out. You can go in there and look at pictures by categories.


    For example i saw one very interesting picture of an asian girl yesterday, god forbid i forgot the photographer's name as i forgot to mark him 'interesting'.


    Now i want to search for that photograph. And it seems very impossible to search for the pictures, let alone search my own ..

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