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Posts posted by james_cooke

  1. No I don't think so. They do that over at the Leica Customer forum and what happens is that questions about lenses go into both forums and if you are not a user of one or the other you miss out. A recent example of this is the announcement of the new Nokton 35mm f1.4. There was no reference of it in the film forum and only when someone pointed it out to me that you had to search it out in the M8 forum. I prefer everything all in one.


    To be honest this forum only has a fraction of threads posted that it used to as more and more changes were placed by photonet so its not like there are many new threads cluttering things up here to warrant further segregation.

  2. I have both and I will take the 21mm most places but leave the 15mm behind. There is a limited use for the 15 yet the 21 is used alot more and you can step back if you need to get more it but step closer with the 15 and you really get a distorted perspective. Only when I know I have a specific need for the 15 will I take it along but that has been months now. A step at a time is always best, go 21 and if you enjoy it take the next wider step.
  3. "Just saw the new Asahi Camera tonight in a bookstore, and they devoted a few pages to this new lens, comparing it wide open with it's Leica counterpart.


    For what it's worth they had it mounted on an Ikon for the picture on the first page of the article..."


    And how did it compare?

  4. "I use the Rollei/Zeiss 40mm 2.8 Sonnar with the CL, which may have slightly more character and slightly less wide open sharpness than the slightly overrated 40mm Summicron"


    Overrated in what way? Its price seems to imply its underrated. Version 4 35mm Summicrons fetch 4 times the price for the same quality, now thats overrating something!

  5. Its an excellent lens. It was available in both Leica thread mount with T101 kits and Nikon Rangefinder mount with the Nikon Historical Society Bessa S. There were 2000 made in LTM and 500 in Nikon S mount. Its classic look and being collapsible makes it perfect for an older thread mount Leicas. It is a modern high quality 50mm lens in every sense of the word. Flare resistant and sharp at all apertures. In fact stopping it down from wide open doesn't increase performance all that much its so good wide open. It is superior to the 50mm Elmar but its also slightly slower. Its probably the finest 50 you could get for your old Leica. Dislikes? I would have to say that its a bit too high contrast for my liking but others like that quality so you may as well. It does have that 3D look you often see in Leica and Zeiss lenses. If you can get it at a good price go for it. Popular Photography said it was one of the best Lenses they have ever tested. Well its not overly hard to make a good 50mm lens let alone a slow one like this but still that shouldnt detract that it is a great lens.
  6. I recently started a thread on another forum asking how the WATE would compare at 21 with a Voigtlander 21 that is also f4. My reasoning was a review comparing the Voigtlander 21 with the Leica ASPH. The Leica came out on top (fair enough) but in the score out of 30 it was only one point ahead of the Voiglander optically. Given that multi focal length lenses have to compromise somewhere would that mean the Voigtlander lens be a match for the WATE at 21? Since that review the build quality has improved with the introduction of the P (M Mount Version) Just a thought when considering options, as the WATE with hood seems quite large if you wanted to use it on a CLE or Bessa R4 for example.
  7. Something weird has been happening the past couple of days when I try to view

    the site. The Ad that I think is supposed to be at the top of the page as you

    see it on the list of threads appears down lower when I view a thread, covering

    peoples postings or photos. Anyone else having this problem? Its only started in

    the past couple of days.

  8. "The Rokkor is multi coated, has available 40.5 filters, a normal cam, and handles great on camera."


    This is really only half true. Only the CLE's Rokkor has these attributes. The Leitz Minolta Cl's Rokkor is virtually identical to the Summicron C apart from 40.5mm filters.

  9. Interesting comments and links thanks. Just to clarify, the 3 lenses I wanted to use with this adapter (all internal bayonet mount) are the Sonnar 50mm f2.0, Nikkor 50mm f1.4, and the Heliar S 50mm f3.5. With a Contax adapter will be fine with the Sonnar and hopefully the Heliar being a bit slow(?) and just wont be able to use the Nikkor wide open and close up I guess.
  10. In what way do you mean it will not match the adapter? My understanding is that one turns around greater than the other to go from infinity to minimum focus and that the discrepancy occurs with the rangefinder coupling is adjusted accordingly. So if the lens doesn't have its own helix how would it matter how much longer or shorter it takes to get from infinity to minimum focus as long as it gets there by the adapter which is calibrated to match the M rangefinder in any event? I don't doubt that your right, im just curious why it would be so.
  11. Im looking into getting one of these adapters and have found that the Nikon

    versions are scarce but Contax ones are reasonable to find. If I am only using

    internal mount 50mm lenses that dont have their own focusing helix, would it

    matter if I just get a Contax adapter and use it with Nikon, Contax or Russian

    50's? Or is there something more to the difference in Contax and Nikon

    rangefinder lenses other than the difference in the helix that I havent

    considered? Many thanks

  12. "All that said, I share your anticipation and can't help thinking that, if they can price it under $2500, achieve a 1.3 crop or better, the camera will sell in much higher numbers than the film ZM."


    Zeiss did say they had designed their ZM lenses to be digital ready and that their research showed that most want a full frame sensor and that they would hold off any digital ZM model until a full frame ZM digital camera could be economically produced.


    I agree with a post above, a couple of years away yet.

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