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Posts posted by conrad_poulin

  1. Ricoh Diacord G, and Any flavor Yashicamat. But most of my

    cameras are classics. My upper end equipment are 30 year old

    hasselblad, 30 year old mamiya rb67, Canon f1 etc. I pick the

    Ricoh and Yashicamat 124 because they are the ones I take with

    me on the go, and have fun with when travelling and don't worry

    about. Most of my prints are B&W 11x11 and I'm hard pressed to

    tell which camera i used for which print.

  2. What was your first camera and would it be a classic today? An

    earlier Contaflex thread made me think of mine. It was a very

    basic Contaflex nothing special, no meter or interchangeable

    lenses. I got it from my dad in 1970. I used it for year book

    photos, and later my wife used it for a photo class. I still have it

    but it is in disrepair from hanging heavy supplimental lenses of

    the front via an adaptor. However my wife claims the sharpest

    photos of our family growing up are from that camera equiped

    wit an old lentar light meter and a honeywell potatomasher flash.

  3. I have used kodak for processing and hallmark color lab in

    turners falls for prints. You can call Hallmark and ask if they also

    process. I think they do. Maybe Com Color in Springfield also. I

    will also check on a lab in chicopee. I will be tied up tonight,but

    tomorow night I will check my file cabenet for the lab in Chicopee

    and maybe one or two more in your area. You must live near

    Stan the Vegitable Man.

  4. The picture of the dog looking up the tree appears to have been

    taken on the same property as the large estate. Look how the

    lower branches are pruned on the pine tres in both photos. I can

    imagine that this could be someones summer home as it is on

    the water. I wonder what their other house looks like. The photos

    were probubly taken by a young lad. Usualy when you give a kid

    a camera the first thing they do is find the family dog. The other

    photo, same kid goofing around in the row boat with his dad, and

    dad sugest a photo of the summer home before vacation is over

    and it will be time for school for the boy and dads days will be

    spent on wall street. Perhaps he planed to finish the film the

    following summer. But thats when dad gave in and bought him

    TWO liecas. One black and one chrome.

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