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chris cross

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Image Comments posted by chris cross

    Boo by firelight

    had to upgrade my rating with the sepia in mind. After looking a lot, the only thing I can remark, I would have preferred a little more DOF that includes the total face, but thats just a minor remark. I can only repeat: I like it a lot. Chris (not sure if my english really expresses what I mean, perhaps should start to comment in german ;-))

    Boo by firelight

    I compared a lot and I too like the sepia version better. It adds to the retro-look. And again the dynamic between retro and the writing on the t-shirt. Like it the more I look at it. Kind regards Chris

    Boo by firelight


    there is really a fifties-look in this one, only interrupted by the writing on the t-shirt, which I don't find disturbing at all. Classical non-glamour beauty. Like it very much.

    Kind regards Chris



    as always I'm pleased to receive a comment from you, thanks. This picture is part of a series of 4 or 5 shots. You can find another one in my folder. They were just sitting at the kitchen table. Natural lightning from a window on the left side.

    Regards Chris


    normalerweise scanne ich die negs. Dies hier war ein normaler Papierabzug, der mir zuf䬬ig wieder in die H䮤e fiel. Leider hat mein Negativarchiv noch keine sehr systematische Ordnung :-)


    Andy Warhol is dead, and those cars will no more exist. 2CV, R4, VW K䦥r and Pop Culture. This was my youth. And now? Nearly too old to rock'n'roll and too young to die ;-)) Kind regards Chris



    thanks for your comment. You are right, this is another 664-print. Concerning the grainy look, I think most of it is the structure of the surfaces and the background-material. There is very little PS-work with this picture.


    Actually I'm doing only polaroid prints with the monorail, so far I only have a 405 Polaback. For me it's the best way to learn (and the cheapest too). Talking about the parts for MPP: it has an international standard backplate, so there are enough parts available.

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