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chris cross

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Image Comments posted by chris cross

    SCAN-FUN 2


    nice to hear from you again. You're right this is a fine scanner. It's one of these flatbet-scanners that is also able to scan negatives and slides. Not very fast when scanning transparencies with high resolution. Not one that can satisfy a "professional" and give my local dealer an extra holiday when buying it. It takes hours to scan a roll of film, but hey, I start the scanning process and go playing with my kids, and when the kids are in bed the roll is scanned. When there are no negatives to scan there is always the opportunity doing stuff like that.

    Cheers Chris


    actually I hadn't Penn in mind while taking this picture. This was taken on our family holiday in France this august. The location is an open air museum where men already lived during the Stone Age. A wonderful spot with lots of caves. The picture was taken at the place where people can stand behind these fake bodies and show their faces to be photographed as Stone Age men. So in the picture you can see my family, my wife and my sons but only their faces. I don't think its a good picture, just a holiday snapshot, but we had fun taking it, especially the boys. My wife said I made a Haengebauchschwein (couldn't find the english word) out of her. Yes you are right, I'm having a bit fun out of it by posting it on PN and requesting a critique in the nudes section. For me its fun to see the reactions. First the increase of numbers of ratings compared to my other pictures (while I hope the most of them are better than this one). And second the comments, there is at least one who calls this sick, others understood the fun as you did. Perhaps I find some more fun-photos in my archive just to see the reactions. Thanks Jim for looking and seeing. Kind regards Chris


    thanks so much for your comment. The tech details are: 35mm SLR, 135 Tele-lens, Konica VX400 monochrome (one of those b/w films for processing in C-41), scanning, a bit cropping and level adjusting, that's all. The rest was done by the morning-fog over river Dordogne in France.



    I knew it would happen sometimes. My first nude! After taking

    photographs for 35 years I finally succeeded. Is this the final point

    of my carreer as photographer or just a turning point to a new

    dimension in taking pictures? As I said, my first nude, so please be

    kind with your comments, thanks. ;-)

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