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Posts posted by suman

  1. As the title says, I am going Niagara this weekend for my first visit to this

    waterbody. I heard mist is a big problem. I am thinking of carrying 20D, 10-22

    zoom for wide angle and 70-300 for any telephoto shot. Will also take my 50mm

    f1.8 and tripod for night shots. Is that good enough? If it is, any more

    precaution I must take before the start of our journey?

    Thanks for sharing your experience, in advance.

  2. Neil,

    never ever buy a package unless you are travelling. utwardly it looks roesey but as you grow up, you will curse yourself for buying cheapie Sigma's. Invest on better glass from the start. If you are living in US, buy rebelXT from Dell or whenever Canon comes up with tripple rebates. That goes for ~750 dollars. The camera comes with a rather good lens although it is part of a kit. Spend that 100-150 leftover dollars on a 50mm f1.8 prime. If you have stronger urge for a telephoto, use the leftover $$ and wait to buy a 70-200 f4L or 70-300 IS USM.

  3. Keep the 20D. I was handling teh D50 yesterday at Circuitcity and the AF speed was pretty disappointing. Rebel XT in comparison, is much faster. However as you already know, XT is a crippled body and teh build quality is not as good as 20D. In my opinion, the kit lens is pretty good. look at Bob Atkins review on that very lens. Also, you can always add a 50mm f1.8 for the special shots at a rock bottom price.
  4. LOL! I am just wondering how I missed the pentax forum. However, I do get what I am looking for, advice. Thank you all. I will probably keep an eye on Vivitar 555mm lens aka Pangor. I used the Vivitar 100mmm Macro in EOS mount but I always felt nervous of breaking it apart. I don't about the built quality of older 105mm macro lens. Will do my research on that particular lens.
  5. PN sometime sucks, there is no dedicated forum for Pentax gear. I was

    searching for one in K mount in ebay and there was a lot of prime

    macro lens. Incidentally I know almost nothing about K-mount lense

    since I have used Canon AF gear ever since I started photography. Two

    old K-mount SLR actually pushing me back to look into the old days. So

    the question is what brand of lenses I must look at (I am on a budget,

    my two cameras cost me 60 bucks in total)? Also, I am wondering if

    DeJur is good lens manufacturer?

  6. Though the pro EOS bodies are rather affordable to budget oriented photgs, they are still much more expensive than other prosumer options like Elan7. Film cameras, unlike their digital brothers, just a camera. All that matters, is the photographer and the lens and the film. You can probably go to my route. I have a 20D but bought an old Vivitar plasticky SLR for my bro. However I fall in love with that 20 year old manual focus SLR that accepts all sort of K mount lense. You can see the result in my B&W folder. Believe me, my camera cost me 30 bucks! Now decide for yourself.
  7. But! none of the 3rd party lens are as close to Canon in terms of pricing. And we yet to see the complains of xyz Sigma lens is not working with 30D. I think it is very common practise to sell OEM product at a premium. Look at the HP ink cartridge price and compare them to third party offerings.
  8. Contarary to Rob's comment, I found that lens is pretty good. Check out my naturescapes folder for the mountain lion and a pelican. Both were surprisingly sharpe. IMO, 80-200 lens you are talking about is a surprisingly good lens. Light and small but built wise pretty avarage. Mine was dropped once and manual focussing refused to work. Finally I sold it off.
  9. At some point I do this comparison game with my friend's 300D. I was a 5 month's D60 user before moving on to something else. To me, 300D was quite amazing as a camera. The grip feels better in hand. The camera is quite fast, in terms of startup time and autofocus. With hacked firmwares it is almost a 10D without the magnesium shell. D60 has a pretty spotty high ISO performance, 300D comparatively much better in that field.
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