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Image Comments posted by anthonyirik

    Cups n grafitti


    Human cause and affect - The inner Kora: Offerings of 7 of 9 cups of

    water, candles and incense litter the edges of chortens and the

    pathway of the inner kora. Pilgrims take advantage of the soot from

    the stacks of burning incense to leave their family name.

  1. A touch of underexposure would have turned the water completely black and exposed the swans better - Same goes for snow-scenes - you can get some funky shots the same way by push-processing your film and increasing its rating: increasing contrast - lights lighter, darks darker. Nice shot - perhaps by croping in closer on the more bunched swans on the bottom left might improve the image furthur, cutting out the flare also.



    I love this!


    I have taken tonnes of closeups of fields but this is unique in its own way - good use of an otherwise ordinary sky - sillouettes the cat tails [is that barley?] nicely.

  2. I appreciate your comments, thanks. I was trying to capture the essence of a landfill site - they arent especially photogenic, which is why I chose to sillouette - Photography should stimulate the observer into thinking, it shouldnt necessarily be obvious, yes this could be a farm during the backburn season, it could be a number of things -

    - Maybe its photojournalism in a raw form - a subject, loosely tied to a photograph, reinforced with words - A photograph tells a thousand words etc etc, but one with a title can provoke imagination and thought - ?

  3. The hardest thing is keeping the lines of the bridge parallel - Its a mismatch of not being too close whereby you develop diverging lines/perspective, and not being too far away so that you need to excessively enlarge the image/invest in a honking great telephoto. I was standing at the end of the Overseas passenger Terminal - where all the cruise-ships moor up - Shot using 300mm/f8 or f11.
  4. I bracketed half of the roll of film I took here -to excentuate the highlights with some degree of effect, the colours are as is, with nominal corrections from whiteness generated by my slidescanner - Ill upload some more when i have time ;)
  5. Journalism - its not as strong as something from the Gulf war, it doesnt show death or destruction, but to me it is Journalism - when you consider the location of Sri Lanka - consider how many boats skip by the coast, like this one without a second thought from anyone - Every boat heading east to west, west to east HAS to pass this point - I think its pretty significant - its not going to win me a nobel peace prize, but its more than just a picture of a Tanker: Then again, perhaps its just me!

    Rajput - Exhale


    I took a few photos of this guy at a chai stall in the desert outside

    of Bikaneer on a camel safari - He seemed pretty amused by the entire

    situation - Check out the other pic on my site - without ciggy :)

    Before the storm

    Nice use of long-exposure. I like the way the image is partially overexposed over highlights - it excentuates the spray and haze from those storm-surges. Not sure how this would look enlarged seems a touch out of focus on the horizon, windy shaky tripod - inevitable at such an exposed position.
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