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Image Comments posted by anish

  1. Nicely balanced, clean composition. My only criticism would be regarding the strong distortion at the lower corners. I know this is normal with ultrawide lenses, but IMO it hurts the image. I'd be curious to see what others think as well.



  2. Good depth. The foreground rocks form a nice "arrow" leading to the background. Also like your choice of shooting at sunset as opposed to going for the more common front/side lighting on the peaks.



    Fall foliage



    As you stated, the composition is quite straight forward. One thing I might suggest is a tighter crop to emphasize the various horizontal bands and make it more of an abstract (for example, crop about 15-20% off each side, and the patterns appear a lot stronger in my opinion). Aside from that, there looks to be a slight counterclockwise tilt.





    To start, I would try to expand the tonal range. Too many of the tones here are bunched up around medium gray, making it look a little flat. Play with the black and white points and apply a curves layer and you can give this image a quick boost.



    Alpine scenery


    I would not give this a 3, but I would not rate it as a particularly strong image either, mainly due to the harsh overhead light which generally does not show a landscape at its best. With so many landscape photographs out there, often with similar subject matter, what separates the "ok" from the great is the light. Technically, you may want to watch out for things like the blurred grass in the lower left. Good luck...



  3. Thanks, Chris. I initially preferred the cropped version, but later favored this one. Regarding the toning - one this image, the contrasts I wanted were pretty much captured in camera, so very little adjustment was needed with the exception of burning the sky a little.





    Thanks for the honest comment, and I fully agree with your take. I have just started playing around with B&W conversion (as you can see from my portfolio), and I haven't found the right "touch" just yet. Believe it or not, this is a scaled back version of my initial interpretation, which was way over the top! Especially with the somewhat flat capture of digital sensors, I'm finding that dodging and burning are essential to get some pop out of a B&W conversion. I will probably re-work and re-post another version of this at a later time. Thanks again for the helpful feedback.



  4. True, Bryce is heavily photographed, but this is one of the less frequently photographed views, and it's well captured - except for the blown out highlight in the center of the sky. If some detail can be recovered there, this is a nice image.





    Nice tones and composition. If anything, I might suggest a touch more contrast on the foreground peaks to create more separation with the background, and either to crop right below the clear blue sky showing at the top or to darken that portion. In my view, the pale blue tint does not complement the rest of the image, which is much more dramatic in color.



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