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tony bell

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Image Comments posted by tony bell

    dark trunks

    This has some strong points. Interesting composition and nice colors. I don't particularly care for the blurring in the corners and the frame is distracting. Nice shot.
  1. I do not agree with the rotation suggestions. The far horizon is level, the track switches on the right are perpendicular and I like the way the curving rails are leaving the frame as it is.

    Black Velvet

    I disagree with the above comment. I think if it were black and white it would lose much of the silky look you now have, and I personally like the bits of color now present. I like this alot. A different take on a faily common subject. Nice work.
  2. Very nice colors. Gives a real "nestled into the hills" feeling to the hotel. You might look at cropping out the very bottom of the photo to exclude the for ground that enters the bottom at an angle. This could be a post card sold in the hotel.

    Danger Woman

    I've noticed you have taken time to rate several of my photos. I appreciate you taking time to look at them. This woman looks as if she's about ready to tear someone's head off! Nice capture.


    IMO, using a polarizer would have killed the reflections of the people in the glass and improved this shot. Nice composition.


    I would have liked this more had you not had the weeds/grass that runs up around her head. In front of her torso is great and behind her head is fine but right around her head really distracts. I'd alos like a little more contrast.


    This is a tweener for me. Not exposed quite long enough for that smooth, soft effect of moving water and exposed too long to stop motion. In my personal opinion it should be one of the two. Interesting rock formation you have found but there are so many of these on the site you really have to do something special for it to stand out. I'm rating this A5/O4.
  3. Nicely done. Wonderful color and composition. I particularly like the angular look of the water at the top of the falls. Is it just me or does it seem the water is tilting ever so sligtly to the right? Great textures in the cliff face.

    Riding at Sunset I

    Very nice composition. This has real possibilities. It seems to slope to the right ever so slightly so you might try rotating it just a bit to the left. Also, the sun seems a little blown out. I don't know if this would work for you but when I shoot sunsets I set my exposure as if I were shooting in bright sunlight. This usually subdues the sun a bit and leaves everything else in silhuette (as you have). Just a thought.

    Yellow Boat

    Nice DOF and composition. The extreme contrast between the canoe and the dark forest is a bit much for me. It seems to draw my eyes to the lower right corner and disturbs my ability to take in the entire scene.
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