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Image Comments posted by james_stangroom

    The Corner Kick


    Hi Kenny,


    Nice soccer picture. I think that seeing the net and goalkeeper would have helped this shot. Was this taken from the stands or the sideline? I would recommend changing your angle next time to include the goal area but still keeping some of the action in the box. What teams were playing?



  1. Hello. This picture has been cropped slightly and straightened just a

    bit. Any suggestions? Maybe a longer exposure to bring out the

    buildings in the background, or would that distract from the bridge?

    Thanks in advance for the comments!

  2. Hello. These structures were designed to calm the winds that blow

    between buildings in downtown Calgary. They are lit from below and

    change colours gradually. Any suggestions and/or comments about the

    composition or the photo in general are appreciated! Thank you.

    Bottom's Up!

    Justin, you have captured a good moment. Sometimes you don't have much time to compose a shot, but you did well considering it is a spontaneous photo. Keep it up.
  3. I was hoping that this was a joke, but I thought I'd add a couple of lines of advice just in case it wasn't. :)


    But you're right - it is a masterpiece. Photo of the week quality, for sure.





    I remember seeing your original, and I like this version a lot more. The grey background makes the players stand out even more. In the original, everything was so crisp and colourful, the players were almost lost in the background.
  4. Christopher,


    A glimpse of the horizon or an object in the foreground to help orient my eye would have helped. This is a tough shot to get with the equipment you're using. Even a tighter shot would have had a hard time keeping my interest (it's just a bird afterall).


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