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Posts posted by candice

  1. You need a flash, Set you camrea to manuel mode, meter the light for the sunset WITHOUT the people in the frame. WITHOUT changing your settings move the people in the frame and shoot with flash, this will make it perfect every time REMember DO NOT CHANGE your setting when the people are in the frame! Good luck
  2. I used the cloning tool at 30% cloning the lighter areas of her arm your levels were off so I brighten them up a bit and I used the unsharp mask tool to make the image pop you image seem quite dark if you have an questions you can email me at candice at 2020 images dot com I also offer batch retouching services for a very low fee.
  3. I used the cloning tool at 30% cloning the lighter areas of her arm your levels were off so I brighten them up a bit and I used the unsharp mask tool to make the image pop you image seem quite dark if you have an questions you can email me at candice@2020images.com I also offer batch retouching services for a very low fee.
  4. I put just photos I shoot of my kids on there about 200 in all and make about 90.00 a month not bad for just kids playing photos. Or if Im tring something new like I slap the photos up there. I look at it this way I am not a stock photographer I am a PJ so pic that are just sitting on my hard drive why not.
  5. First time the hot shoe quite working, 2nd time the Left half of the camrea failed wb button trash button view button, they said it was a computer glitch and was reset, now the camrea can only take one photo at a time and the lcd goes blank and flashes dead battery even if pluged into the wall and the ISO buttons do not work along with the lcd light and the bracketing button all failed at at the same time during a shoot...nightmare! This camrea is a lemon (POS). No impact damage. All computer problems. and canon will not trade it out only repair it. and after DEC I will have to pay for them. I will never buy another canon again.
  6. HELLO I have not used my Mark II in about a month or so. I didnt

    think the battery was dead but I took one photo and the battery image

    began to blink and died. So I took it out and began to charge it 3

    hours has now gone buy and still can only take one photo and dies,

    and when it is on I cannot access the ISO selections. How long

    should it take to charge the battery before I can resume normal

    fuction? When should I get worried.

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