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Posts posted by candice

  1. I disagree about joining a "club", not if your just starting. I have seem this question posted many time do a search in the photo.net You will find many contract you can copy and change to your needs. You are bound to get lots of post about you need a lawyer to do it. Yea well maybe later on down the road but for now serach the site.
  2. this is a great question ditto that request, I need it for a wedding posing or how to shoot her during the day, wide or zoom lens, angle tricks, shoot above or from below. sorry to butt in, but this is something I need to. Thank you
  3. I buy only 1 gig cards actully at costco there is a sale 44.96 for one gig cards and a 15 dollar mail in rebate (limet 3) great deal. I personally would never buy about a one gig card if it failed I out 100 images if a 8 or 4 gig failed I would be out the wedding charge and have a bride that would hate me for life!
  4. I wouldnt personaly worry about a tripod, too much junk for me to carry around. I have some examples on my website under "prom" and engagement photos, take a look. Metering the light for the sun with make the background bright and the flash will take care of the people. If you just want a silouete meter your light with both the people and the bright sun in the photo.
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