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Everything posted by bonsignore_ezio

  1. My Super D probably doesn’t get enough exercise, and thus it has now developed an annoying habit: the advance lever works properly in advancing the film and cocking the shutter, but then it does not return. It is not so, that it remains blocked in the outer position; rather, it must be gently pushed back. I don’t think there is anything broken, because this did develop in mid-function; rather, the camera was 100% OK when last put back on its shelf, and now it is not. So, il would seems a matter of things being gummed up, and thus relatively easy to clean. Still, there have been plenty of warnings on this forum about the dire consequences of nonchalantly playing around wihth WD40 and lighter fuel, and thus I would very much appreciate any suggestions and advice.
  2. This is the rear end of my Zeiss 135mm F4 in Contax mount, fully extended. Is this the "baffle"? Is so, it is solid metal, not paper or cloth.There is nothing other inside the lens barrel that would correspomd to the description.
  3. Brother (70) with Retina IIIc[ATTACH=full]1411669[/ATTACH]
  4. What I woulld call overdoing it...
  5. The castle of Afonso Henriques, first King on Portugal in Guimaraes
  6. "The Cathedral," Baltoro Glacier, Pakistan (moonlight photo)
  7. bonsignore_ezio


    Robert the Bruce's at Melrose Abbey
  8. Not that my peculiar tastes are of any significance, but just to clarify the reason for my question: I have a series of hand-held meters (including a Lunasix as my favourite) as well as a lightmeter app for my phone. So, it is not that I am desperately searching for a way to get correct exposures out of my meterless cameras. I just though a slip-on meter could be fun. Incidentally, and just out of curiosity: is it persmissible to use this forum for political propaganda pursoses?
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