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Posts posted by harry_soletsky1

  1. Leica made a variety of waist-level finders: 50mm, 35mm, 28mm, all laterally correct but all collectors items. The 28mm and the 35mm use the 50mm finder as the base with separate swing over lenses for each. There was a Zeiss waist level finder also laterally correct and also a collectors items. Collectors items mean unfortuneately not cheap.
  2. It depends what you are using them for. First with f2.0 and ASA 400 film even indoors there are really a lot of subjects that are fine indoors for these lenses. It then depends on your wallet and even with an older lens its condition as you are talking about some lenses over 20 years old. From what I can see primarily from the marketplace the best buy will be the 11817 50mm summicron which really is little different picture wise from the present formula.

    The discussions regarding tabs, type or any at all are personal.. the same for clipon hood vs sliding. For 35mm from what I can see and from personal experience all Summicrons are not very different picturewise for most situations and the older ones are preferred by some rather that the newer ones. The last statement will likely get some blood boiling but I can't tell what your wants, needs and wallet can support.

  3. You also will not have the parallax correction the eyes give so framing will be problematical. I also tried to hold the pin down and was not successful. I suspect even if I could I might not be able to continuously and the lens may jam and you may do real damage to the focussing mount. Basically buy the eyes or a SOMKY closup attachment with I believe a UROOF adaptor for the Summicron lens head
  4. The outer diameter of the first Leica adaptors was the same all around. They then made the lower part (180 degrees in all) narrower and the cleared the infinity lock of these lenses fine. I, of course cannot comment on whether this will take care of the problem with the Industar.
  5. Since Ebay itself is not so pure, I stay away. I know some of you have had good luck and swear they never have had a problem. With the hijackings of identity theft which is common on ebay, I don't need that irritation. One should remember Ebay is now a job lot seller primarily moving large numbers of item for these users. The private buyers and sellers are not what they are about now and they tend to ignore them. Certainly, Paypal seems primarily about Ebay getting their money.
  6. I have a 105mm f2.5 Nikkor LTM and used it for years with a succession of Leica Ms. The main problem was when TTL came out, it was confusing to use as the aperature ring turned in a opposite way from most of the Leica lenses. The expception was the heavier earlier 90mm f2.0 Summicron and also the Elcan M lenses which I also used. I certainly do not consider this lens a "Lada". Certainly it's reputation was and is excellent althought I cannot comment on results of optical test charts.
  7. As has been said in this thread, before blaming the finder construction, other that the flare problem, Mr. Sum should confirm that the finder is up to spec, This camera is probably at least 10years old and was sold used. Why was it sold? I have used M2s, M3sm M4s, M5s and M6s and have found them to be excellent with good contrast unless the patch flares.
  8. I've had a 15mm Heliar since it came out and for the price it's quite good. Optically the Hologon is better but at it's present value, I'm somewhat reluctant to use it especially as the graduated filter is a must and is hard to protect and it's very slow at f16. I also have a 28mm f1.9 and so far no problems and I use it regularly and so far no problems and the finish is holding up.
  9. As I have loudly complained, my two M6s had lots of flare. One has had the fix and it works perfectly. The second one is at Northvale awaiting parts from Germany. Considering that M6 was purchased in 1982, I consider the $260 well spent. The camera awaiting the change dates from 1987. I have heard the M6TTL flare varied with magnification. Also I didn't find the flare much of a problem until I got grandchildren and a large windowed door in the living room caused havoc with my photography of them. Now no problem and I've tried lots of situations so I'm pleased. I've tried shooting into the sun, Sun just outside field, sun in field, sun to the side plus various lights in the room with a dark field with strong sidelight. It works!!! So I suspect some of the flare is the particular situation. And I don't intend to stint on taking pictures of my grandchildren.
  10. I have both hoods. The earlier one has a longer taper and is labeled Summaron 3.5 cm and also Summicron 5cm. As noted in Laney's book it is not labeled IROOA. My labeled IROOA lists all the aperatures of 50 and 35mm that accept the standard clip-on of all E-39 lenses as lenses it fits. Vol. III of Jim Lager's Leica Illustrated Guide (his first books)shows both hoods and calls them both IROOA.
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