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Posts posted by harry_soletsky1

  1. As it is from Montreal, I believe I have seen and handled this camera and it was offered to me awhile back for actually more than it sold on ebay. I was interested until the 125mm magnifier came out. In any event the finder does indeed have M3 frames and has LEDs on the side of the finder view and did seem perfectly OK. I, of course, can't say anything about the long term durability of this camera.
  2. There have beem multiple articles in the LHSA Viewfinder on this subject relating to early 50mm summicrons. Sometimes the glass would turn brown. Indeed the film could be fogged if left with the lens for a period of time. The brown color had various effects on images. In any event, I woould recommend joining LHSA as there are articles not just on hardware but also of contemperary and vintage Leica photography. The latest issue has a long article with pictures of the 90mm Macro lens and the results by Brian Bower.
  3. Look inside the throat of the M5 at the bottom just behind the mount. You will see a pin which is pushed on to make the meter arm come up. That area of the bayonet mount is cut out to not swing the arm. The area of cutout is just between the bottom bayonet lugs and is cutout about about a couple of mm deep into the mount. Incidently the Leica CL has no such arrangement and winding the shutter will make the arm come no matter what.
  4. The assumption we have is this lens triggers the 50mm finder which is appropriate for this vintage and if that is so what Jay tells you is correct. However if it is a googled version without eyes this will not take care of it. Check the focusing with another lens.
  5. So you see you already have many different opinions. I would also add that Nikon lenses focussing ring turns in the opposite direction from Leica lenses. I do have lots of Nikon experience, F3 & FM2, and found that a pain. Lately with my style of shooting I'm almostly exclusively Leica M. I may go back to Nikon only if I get seriously into digital as I have several AI lenses to use and they all do work with their better Nikon digital SLR cameras. The R series digital is a nonstarter as I'm not about to invest in a whole line of new lenses. Of course, if the digital M become availible, I'm likely to jump right in. I already have a basic Fuji digital that I'm using to get my feet wet in digital.
  6. Clearly fishy. This is not new and you should run the other way fast. Don't deal with him. Don't give him any personal information. Variations on this apparantly started from Nigeria. Again, some of these are very bad people and you should cut all links to this person. Some of them are dangerous. If you have and corespondence from this person you should contact the post office.
  7. Use it!! I can think of three specific items of serious collectors interest. All are in Jim Lager's book and I have used them. One was used on a trip to Tibet years ago as it was the best item for the use. Of course, I have been known to fondle them as well.
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