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marc schneider dc metro

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Posts posted by marc schneider dc metro

  1. I've just processed two rolls of Tmax TMX 100 and it changed the color

    of my fixer and hypo clear. The fixer turned yellowish and the hypo

    clear turned pink.


    Is the fixer and hypo clear safe to reuse?


    Why does this occur?


    Did I not completely dump my stop bath before adding the fixer? I've

    never seen that happen to fixer before, I have seen Tmax turn hypo

    clear pink before.

  2. I've started developing my own sheet film. I've developed 35mm and 120

    film before and know the basic procedure. One step I'm unsure of is

    what to do with the sheet film after taking it out of the wash. Should

    I squeege it as if it were paper? Should I use the film squeege I use

    for 35mm and 120? Should I just hang the film without squeeging? Or

    should I do something completely different?

  3. I started shooting using a Minolta SRT201. We I went looking for a new (autofocus) camera, I compared several different Nikons and Canons. The thing that sold me on the Canon was the user interface and ergonomics. The Canon felt better in my hand and I felt was easier to use than the Nikons.
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