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Posts posted by scott_milso

  1. For now just get a $20.00 tripod from Wal-Mart and use the 2 sec timer, that's all you need for such a light camera. Latter when you get the dSLR you can buy another, more expensive one, maybe withh a ball head which can be very useful IMHO for landscape photography.
  2. HELP! Can someone explain this and what to do about it? Today I

    was taking photos of my daughter with my Elan 7 and 50mm 1.8, I'd

    push the button half way and if I was lucky it would focus after

    searching (worse than my Sigma 70-300) then when I tried to

    recompose with the button still pushed half way the damn thing would

    start searching again and not achieve focus, WTF? WHY didn't it

    hold focus? I have it set set to "One Shot" NOT Al Servo. I NEED

    this set up for tommorrow, my wife is having a scheduled C-Section.

    I would appreciate any quick responses.


  3. I used to shoot alot of slide film, I really like the e100vs but I'd

    really like to use neg film (my scanner, CanoScan D1250 doesn't seem

    to scan slides well and my light box died)

    The problem is when I get my prints back they seem to lack "punch"

    (kind of flat). If I shoot the same scene with my Elan 7 and with

    my digicam (Canon A70) I actually get better pictures with the

    digital using the same f stop and shutter and ISO. If I scan the

    print the Histogram has empty space on either side of

    the "mountain", but the digital file from the A70 has a better

    histogram and I never have to mocve the sliders. I can't afford a

    pro lab, so what should I do? I usually send the film out from K-

    Mart (Qualax, I guess). Does anyone know of any places to get print

    film proccessed correctly without spending the BIG bucks? PS I live

    in Deleware Co. Pennsylvania (Near Philadelphia).

  4. The dogwood in my yard is already turning, this seems extremely

    early, maybe it's just an anomoly, usually we get peak around OCT

    20, but there usually isn't any signs of change until around Oct 1.

    Any predictions about peak color in SW PA this year?<div>009WCD-19674084.jpg.533b1bc0cd6a0cffef1d605bcc52dceb.jpg</div>

  5. Here's the situation. - My wife is having a scheduled C-Section on

    Sept 20. I need photos (of the baby, not the procedure). I have an

    Elan 7 and a 50 f/1.8 and a 28-105 f/3.5-4.5. I think I'll use the

    50 with Fuji 800. How would you set the exposure? Some options I

    was considering are 1. Av set to 2.8 (afraid to use 1.8 bc DOF) 2.

    Tv set to 1/30, or 3 Just use the P mode. I don't know the lighting

    and don't want to fuss around taking readings. Also, a week ago I

    was taking engagement photos of my brother and his fiance' and the

    50mm lens was searching like crazy, taking forever to find focus,

    especially using the left focus pt (portrait orientation), it

    continued to be a problem even after switching to center focus

    point. The light was a little low F/2.8 at 1/30, ISO 200. Maybe I

    should use my 28-105 USM which never hesitates (but may be too

    slow)? Any insight would be great! Or any additional tips.

  6. The 17-40L seems like a no brainer, that's how I'd go anyway because

    1. Even after I get my digital SLR, I'll still keep my Elan 7

    2. Even If I went all digital why risk the EF-S that will only work on a 1.6 crop? What if I come across some extra cash and get the full frame D-SLR? In that case all my EF-S lenses are junk.

    3.The 17-40L has that letter, which one? hmm, Oh yeah the L.

  7. "Have you guys seen the estimated street prices?



    This is really bad news.


    17-85 EF-S IS: $600."



    Why not just buy the 17-40 L instead of the 17-85 for almost the same money? Especially if you already have something in the 85mm range?

  8. I'm not a weeding photog but I have some ideas, as I have done this sort of thing as a guest.

    They walk in very slowly, I would use the Tv (shutter pr) mode set at about 1/60 or 1/90 and would prob use fill flash. The slower shutter will expose more of the background and allow for great DOF b/c of the resulting smaller ap.

    Without knowing how bright it is it's hard to say, but the above settings should work in any situation.

    On the other hand if there is nice light falling on the faces I would opt for LESS DOF, set the cam on Av at f/2.8 and not use flash, the camera will tell you what the shutter speed it picked is for f/2.8, just make sure it's above 1/30. If it's less than 1/30 go back to plan A - Tv, 1/60, fill flash.

  9. Definately get a reflector, I like the collapsable round ones with gold on one side and white on the other, only about $30.00 from B&H. In a pinch you could use a white pizza box, or gift box or poster board etc. And as said sometimes no fill flash or reflector is needed.<div>009Cf8-19234784.jpg.ba829a5033551708f3ec5fed4dda8150.jpg</div>
  10. If It was me I'd get the D-Rebel kit, extra memorey cards, a protective skylight filter, a circ. polorizer and a tripod. This camera is small and provides much opportunity for expansion, which you don't have with a hgih end point and shoot.

    NO, it is NOT dangerous to travel across the USA with a camera, what a lotta bunk that statement is, Now if your travelling by camel taking shots of nuclear power plants, well then you might get a hassle, but nobody's going to bother you taking landscapes in national parks or travel photos on the boardwalk etc.

  11. Are sure of your focusing point? I always pick mine manually, you can set it up to use the wheel on the back of the cam.

    Could it be camera shake? A good rule for 1/focal length for shutter speed. I don't have the 10D, I have the Elan 7 and the A70 Digital and found with the digital files they all need USM (sharpening) I use around 150% with a radius of .5-1.2.

  12. How come my photos never show up in the thread?

    Previous shot was the mother in law, daughter and niece.

    Make sure you have the wrist strap or neck strap secure when attempting these type photos.

    Also for the portrait pay attention to keeeping the horizon straight, you could even get a bubble level from B&H that fits in the hot shoe.

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