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Image Comments posted by lem7

  1. I like the framing and the idea for the photo. I believe the contrast needs to be stronger around the stone and more of the bottom needs to be cropped out. The letters on the stone are hard to read. It might be more dramatic if you had some side lighting hitting the stone on the same gray day. So, go back in time and take a flash with you. HAHAHAHA

    Mountain Storm

    Greg and Naranda: Bracketing my exposure. I have been reviewing all the highly rated photos on this site along with a few others. I realized one of the differences between theirs and mine is exposure/contrast/color. This past weekend I decided to do a little self-assignment and try bracketing my exposures. I am shooting between 3 and 5 shots per view. Once they are developed, I can tell which one I like best. This shot is between .5 and 1 stop underexposed. It brought out the blue and definition in the clouds and the pink in the trees. The waterfall shot I have in this folder, is between .5 and 1 stop over exposed. That gave better definition in the dark woods and made the water very white. I am going to the Smokeys this weekend. Hopefully I will have some more good luck. However, it is suppose to rain.
  2. It is hard to tell if you were trying to get this effect or not. Using a fill flash would have given you a better exposure on the model and a lot less grain. If you were trying for this, you may have wanted to overexpose just a touch more and bring out the highlights on the eyes, nose, and lips.

    Mountain Storm


    Please give any comments you like. I am working on getting better

    exposures and color saturation. This was taken 70% underexposed. I

    believe it enhanced the pink in the trees. Thanks


    I like the color/exposure of this print. The grass is nice and sharp. I would have liked to see more detail in the water. It is over exposed. I don't know if shooting this with a fill flash and a stop or two slower would have given more detail in the water and preserved the grass or not. Still, it is a good shot.


    Jarle, I like this one a lot better than the previous shot. The only thing I would change is adding a little more space on the right. However, It appears there is a lot of stuff in the background that would detract from the shot if you did that. Great shot!
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