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Posts posted by mgeorge

  1. i hate microdol x but for some reason i can't help using it. d76 i believe gives better shadow detail and tonal scale, and if you are only printing up to 8x10, you shouldnt really notice much of a difference anyway in concern to grain. my suggestion is if that you want finer grain, change film size and stick to the developer and film you know best.
  2. i used apx 100 for 6 months for school. we diluted rodinal 1:25, presoak 20 - 25*C, and developed for 11 minutes. aggitate consistantly for first 30 secs, then two inversions every 30 secs. EI 80. The result is an apparent sharp grain, with quite a high tonal range. if you want to, check out 'BORIS' in my folio. might give you an indication of what your images will look like. hope this helps...
  3. Thankyou Geri,

    i accept your appology. i am pleased that you took the time to address this issue, and i hope others can understand my point of view and that i feel very annoyed when seeing ratings like this, without a comment or input.


    It helps nobody to push their photography to a higher level, but only lowers the confidence and makes people feel smaller in the photographic world. By adding a comment to go with a rating, you can suggest positively how the photo could be improved or how to expand on new ideas.


    Geri, I would really appreciate it if you could leave a comment on the photo you rated me on, it would mean a lot to me to know what you honestly think of my image in words, numbers mean nothing to me anymore.


    I don't mind if people don't a photograph, but I have learnt in my experience when looking photos or even at different types of art, always have a reason.


    Be inspired by other people's photography and work, even if you don't like it, make yourself interested, it will take you a long way.



    kind Regards p..j ;)

  4. well geri, how about putting a comment on the photo you rated me 2/3 on. it tips me off when people do this, and have nothing interesting or educated to say about people's work. you may consider yourself a 'professional' with all the complex passages you use to describe people's work in your comments, like "You call this "Lonely", but somehow, I think that boat is hiding a secret." Is there an oar concealed beneath the boat?? You should have been a poet. Until you have better photos, and a comment to back your crappy ratings, don't bother rating my photos, because i simply don't care.



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