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over exposure

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Image Comments posted by over exposure



    Indeed, what Antonio said. :-)


    "chissࠣome mai" la voglia di commentare casca dove ha giࠣommentato anche lui, questa cmq 蠵n istantanea davvero simpatica...e ben fatta.


    Tra quelle che ci hai mostrato questa 蠱uella che preferisco, per il taglio dello sguardo e per il gioco del fuori fuoco assolutamente indovinato...e perch蠴ra tutti, sono gli occhi che preferisco..
  1. Bravo Marco, un p� alla volta questo folder lo stai riempiendo...viste cos젴utte assieme raccolgono un bel ritratto della cittࠣos젣ome l'hai vista. Quelle come questa, dove si leggono gli stati d'animo sono quelle che prediligo..





    Yes, in fact, I'm loving this one too...and the serie is outstanding...you definitely have to keep it up, and make it bigger, you will not regret!

    There are many pieces of fine documentary shots in this folder, with the time try even to join other so different american youth realities from that shot until now.

    Best wishes, Bobby.

  2. I was sure to found many comments on this one. Indeed, is a descriptive and good shot..has a style on his own, inside. There's another shot, that with the little girl dressed for her (comunion?)...that could even be great, with the girl looking in the camera suddenly, but the above girl just has to go away!!


    Thanks, Gabriele.

    Blue dreams

    For a lot of reasons, this hardly reminds me of my days, many years ago, there was that place that was incredibly like this, we went there at night...oh well..that's a long story..

    Pennsylvania no. 2


    Stunning, I like it very much.

    The crop that the photo has makes it very interesting, leaving me again with some curiosity..my eyes travel from a way to another...





    Questi scatti li avevo gi࠶isti e probabilmente li conservo ancora, a colori....cos젶irati e raggruppati formano un bel portfolio sul tuo mondo del lavoro...questa fra tante 蠱uella che rende pi� l'idea dello sforzo giornaliero della vita di cantiere..per� come sarebbero state tutte in canonico bianconero??



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